A Blue Battle

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It's all what Uma can see in her cell... Before the cell door opens telling her it was time..

It was quiet in the cells below the Nexus Arena, the only sound that can be heard was her feet against the floor as she walks towards the opening..

Uma's P.O.V
It's been a year...a year in this pathetic routine, Kill, Sleep, Eat, Repeat.
I lost my tail but that witch of a spider wanted my tail back and forced me to wear a mechanical robotic tail as well a leg and arm, I became blind and lost my voice due to this collar, as if I was some disobedient wild dog...

I'm tired but I can't rest now a days, thankfully my other senses works 10 x better than they ever did in the beginning.

This was a game for Big mama and to those who watches but to me...its survival, Now a days I'm not as Merciful, I go in, go kill to get it over with and repeat for about 20 hours in 7 days, yet people wonder How the hell am I still alive.

When you're put in a situation one thing you should know, never be a mouse in the field, It is a Do or Die oit here. I forgotten who I was doing this for... I know it was for someone special but I cant put my finger on it, I just know I need to do this for their sake to stay alive and away from Big Mama.

End of P.O.V

Uma flinches at the light, she was still not use to seperating the difference between light and dark rooms. Only that it made her tense before making herself emotionless.
Yokais, Mutants and the small amount of humans that knew their existence cheered as they usually do when ever Uma stepped forward. She could feel a large creature in front of her and knew she had to step up unaware of certain familar faces watching from Big Mama's VIP room as they were tangled up from Big mama's webs, not believing their alley or in this case a certain Blue clad turtle's crush was alive.

Leo was watching everything happen before his eyes, his crush

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Leo was watching everything happen before his eyes, his crush..., the one who didn't mind his flirting, his puns even if she kept denying it but never had the guts to admit her feelings......
Right in the Arena, she was killing in cold blood, she was a whole new person Leo didn't recognized at all. The killing was all over, from Left to Right, blood was being spilled and it scared not just Leo but his brothers, his friends and allies. It scared them to no end and believe Big mama went too far but the one who seem traumatized was Splinter who was watching the whole thing from the sewers, Though it may not be his sons out there but Uma was still an ally who his son in blue liked a lot and was missing for a whole year only to see where she's been all this time.

Leo's P.O.V
I Couldn't believe it at all, Uma's been here all this time.....
I thought Big mama changed after Shredder nearly killed her, but I guess the beating got to her head now. Every kill I see her do I just want to throw up. This isn't a game to see who wins and looses then go home, this was something sick. I look at my brothers reactions and it was nothing but pure terror to the point leaving them speechless and normally at this point Donnie usually will say something sarcastic but..... nothing

"Since you boys decided to try steal big mama's websies, I'm sure an old friend would love to say hi" Big mama said and giggles before throwing all of us in the arena and thankfully we were out of the webs but that was least of our problems when we realized we were in the same arena as Uma who just finished her kill. "Oh goodie my lovely daisies, we have 4 new warriors who will try to win this battle, let's see who will win!" Big Mama announces as Uma.....Uma..

Uma turns to face us and I don't think we can see who's blood belong to who, She was wearing a collar similar to what Donnie had made but small enough like her old black collar, this one was red with blue sparking and knew that's how they controlled her, A shocking collar...

End of P.O.V.

Leo slightly glares at Uma, for once in his life he was taking this serious, seeing someone he likes so much being controlled by who they thought was an ally turns out she's a villain once again with a sick mind

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Leo slightly glares at Uma, for once in his life he was taking this serious, seeing someone he likes so much being controlled by who they thought was an ally turns out she's a villain once again with a sick mind. "Uma you have to listen to us, this isn't you. Big Mama is controlling you, Snap out of it!" he shouted from his side of the arena much to Big mama's amusement, Uma didn't even flinch as she starts to walk towards him and his brothers
Raph was scared out of his wits but pushes that to the side as he pushes his little brothers behind him "Raph what are you doing?" Leo asks annoyed, he needed to get through to Uma before she makes a big mistake. Raph looks behind him with a glare and serious face but had a soft look "You boys need to get out of here, leave Uma to me" he said "Are you insane! no no let me rephrase that, You are in no doubt insane!" Donnie snaps as Leo pushes Donnie's face away "No offense big guy but we aren't leaving you here" he said as Mikey nods serious "Yea, we are in this together, even If it means taking Uma down!" he said
Raph looks at his brothers surprised yet he wasn't, he just needed to trust his brothers now just how they trust him like their gram gram or April had said making him smirk "right, let's do it..." he said, as Leo, Donnie and Mikey all grin turning towards a bloodied Uma and took their weapons out quickly

"I'm sorry Uma..." Leo mumbles as he and his brothers begin to attack their trusted friend..

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