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-Time skip two years later-

I open our house's door as fast as possible while carrying Seohee in my arms.

-Seohee: So, is he here already?
-Hyunjae: Yes, mommy and the baby are already here (chuckles) Are you ready to meet your new brother?
-Seohee: (nods happily)
-Hyunjae: Let's head to the baby room then (smiles)

We climb the stairs and head towards the baby room where Jihyo is holding him in her arms. Is there a better picture than this one?

-Jihyo: Oh, you are already here (smiles) How was school, my love?
-Seohee: Really good! I told my friends that I have a little brother now (smiles)
-Jihyo: Aww, come her (pecks her cheek) He's handsome, right?
-Seohee: He looks like Hyunjae oppe, he's so handsome and cute! (jumps excited)
-Hyunjae: You are cuter princess (hugs Seohee) Jihyo, this is amazing, you know? (kisses her) Can I hold him?
-Jihyo: You held him in the hospital a lot... But I guess that you can't get enough (chuckles and let's you hold the baby) How does it feel?
-Hyunjae: Hmm? (smiles while looking at the baby)
-Jihyo: You've become a daddy, you are an incredible man now (smiles)
-Hyunjae: This family is the best thing that ever happened to me (chuckles) I'm not afraid of being alone anymore. I have my two wonderful girls and this little boy with me (smiles)
-Seohee: What's his name?
-Jihyo: Daddy and I named him Heesung (chuckles) Do you like it?
-Seohee: (nods) It sounds really cool (smiles)
-Hyunjae: I can't wait to hear him talking like Seohee (chuckles) You'll need to teach him a lot of things. Now he's your little brother, so you have to take care of him along us... Will you?
-Seohee: Yeah! (smiles) What's his surname?
-Jihyo: That's an interesting question, you dear are a Kim because of your father. And this boy... Well, if Hyunjae ever asks me to marry him, the three of us will be Min (chuckles)
-Hyunjae: Nice hint over Ms. Park (chuckles)
-Seohee: I want to be Min too! (pouts)
-Hyunjae: You already are too (smiles and pats her head after passing the baby to Jihyo) You are my little princess (holds her in your arms)
-Seohee: (chuckles and hugs you) Can you help me with homework? Mom is busy with Heesungie...
-Hyunjae: Sure, let's go (smiles and puts her down) Guess we'll need to leave you here (srughs)
-Jihyo: Aww, our kids are stealing too much time of yours... (jokes) Tonight I'll have you for myself, right?
-Hyunjae: If Heesung decides to sleep for some hours straight... (srughs and chuckles)

Our new life style is actually really simple. Jihyo and I decided to have a baby in common because I wanted to be a real dad. I didn't get to spend too much time with my parents, so I want to give as much of my time as possible, to Heesung and Seohee.

About what Jihyo mentioned... I would really love to get married too. But when? Jihyo has some free days now for maternity, but I still have to teach in college.

Yeah, after thinking carefully about it, I decided to leave the illustrations as a hobby, and dedicate to teach literature and writing some articles. Who knows, maybe a book in a future too.

-Seohee: How do I solve this problem?
-Hyunjae: It's really easy, you just need to...

-Time skip some days later-

-Student: I don't think that Romeo and Juliet is a love story. They are together just because it's forbidden. Who knows, maybe they are seeing eacv other just for fun, right Mr. Min?
-Hyunjae: Well, maybe at the beginning. But who knows, maybe after having fun together they eventually developed romantic feelings for each other. And it turned into the normal love story that everyone knows.
-Student: Has it ever happened to you? (smiles)
-Hyunjae: Well, something really similar (chuckles) You have to be open minded to new ideas (smiles) Sometimes, life makes you do something really unexpected, and it turns to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

The class listens carefully to my explanations. But there's a particular girl that reminds me a little bit of me when I was a student in Jihyo's class. It's interesting, I'm sure that she'll become a great student if she works hard.

-Hyunjae: Okay class, you can start leaving (smiles) I'll see you next Thursday!
-Student: (approaches you) Today's lesson was really interesting, Mr. Min (smiles) I like how you approve the different points of views.
-Hyunjae: That's what makes all of this more interesting. I want everyone to be able to express themselves throughout literature (chuckles)
-Student: This has turned into my favourite subject, I can't wait for Thursday (dedicates you a smile and leaves)

I'm alone packing my stuff into my bag when suddenly I hear how someone closes the door and locks it. I look at the entrance and find Jihyo relaying on the wall while smirking.

-Hyunjae: Oh Ms. Park, how may I help you? (chuckles)
-Jihyo: I've seen how you've become a really popular teacher over the students. You are the hot teacher who serves good looks along interesting lessons. That girl seems to adore you (smiles)
-Hyunjae: She reminds me of myself, when I was in your classes (chuckles) But I had lust in my eyes while looking at you. I practically did it to you with my gaze plenty of times...
-Jihyo: What are you talking about? (laughs)
-Hyunjae: I had a lot of fantasies in this room (chuckles) Me doing it with you against your table, and you dirty talking to me because I've been a bad boy...
-Jihyo: Did you really want me to lecture you during the class?! (smirks) You have no remedy, you know?
-Hyunjae: I know (chuckles) But don't blame me, you are so hot honey (kisses her)
-Jihyo: You know, the door is locked and we are still on time to accomplish your fantasies. What do you say? (smiles)
-Hyunjae: Hmmm... How am I supposed to reject that? Let's do it baby (lifts her up and sits her on your table)


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