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On receiving the pictures Moonbin without thinking storms ohh to place of shoot and waits on the lobby unit eunwoo is done .

Eunwoo later some with his work walls out to find Moonbin waiting he runs to him and hugs but feels weird when he realises he didn't receive a hug back .

"Is something wrong ," . Eunwoo ask concerned.

"We need to talk ",.

"Tell me what happened? Why do you look so angry? Did I do something wrong ?". Eunwoo asks shaking a as he sees Moonbin eyes glaring down on him .

Moonbin on showing him the pictures asks ". I thought you two were friends then what's the meaning of this ? This does not look friendly to me . Also did you forget about telling me this as well like you did forget to tell me about today's early morning shoot ?". As he's flaming up with anger .

I already told you were just close friends and it was just a dinner . Do I really have to tell you every single about my life ? Do you not trust me enough?". Eunwoo now crying wit anger storms out of the set leaving Moonbin alone with his thoughts.

Moonbin on his way to mafia place knowing today is the day they will fight with K2 gang knew the right place go throw out all his anger .

On reaching the hideout of the K2 , Moonbin shoots down all the minor members of K2 in anger as his mind was still completely occupied with fight that he had with eunwoo.

Unit he reaches a room which he thought would be the gang leaders room .

He kicked the door open and was dumbfounded when he saw

Rose and Suho

Suho and rose were shocked and terrified.

"Give me one good reason what I shouldn't shoot you right now ".moonbin threatens them pointing a gun at them . He was just turn like a blue flame in anger . And looking at the man who just ruined his married like right in front of him just added more fuel to it .

" Well look moonbin now that you left eunwoo , let's just get married now , he is not compatible for you. But I am . Just leave eunwoo and come to me ." Rose declares.

The members on the side of moonbin looks at him in despair as they wait for his reply . Moonbin not replying anything adds bullets to the revolver and aims it directly at her head .

"Look moonbin I did so much just to marry you , now you are pointing the gun at me ?". Rose said while gulping and shaking in fear .

"What do you mean you did so much ? What the hell did you do ?". Moonbin asked confused at the statement she said .

Rose just stood there is fear , and completely terrified.

"The tell you bitch ". Moonbin shouts leaving everyone shaking in fear .

The death of your father was my sound . I did that because he made you marry eunwoo when it's me you should've married .I asked suho to go ans mess with eunwoo angry ensuring his role with eunwoo so they can't be separated at work . I also made suho send you the pictures of the dinner and at the shoot so that you two have a fight because I know how possessive you are of him . Bit this suho attacked at your warehouse for drugs and just spoiled my whole plan , you would have never found out ans would have just married me .

Moonbin silently listening to everything , had been made sure of one thing these two have to die.
He made his final decision and said "you both ,let's meet in hell ". And shoots them .

Rose directly under the revolver dies first and suho runs towards Moonbin aiming to slice his throat with his knife. Moonbin barelyissinv knife slashing his cheeks instead quickly catches his own knife through his heart.

Guys hope you enjoyed this update
Only one chapter is left and then this book will be over .
Please vote and come and keep enjoying the book .

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