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Third PoV

As Artemis and Percy slept on the couch, some of the hunters entered the house.

Needless to say, they weren't very happy to find their mistress cuddled up with a man on the couch, even if it was her husband.

Artemis groaned and awoke to the sight of arrows pointed at the man who's arms were around her.

"Girls," she began groggily. "What are you doing here?"

"Lady Artemis, the boy is touching you!" Phoebe exclaimed as though that was all the explanation she needed to give. Percy groaned and sat up. "Wha-"

"Silence, boy!" One of the hunters hissed.

Percy sighed and got off the couch, going to the bedroom.

He came out a few minutes later in a fresh set of clothes and went to the kitchen.

"Would you girls like anything to eat?" The green-eyed immortal asked.

"Percy!" The youngest screamed with glee.

He chuckled and kneeled down to pick up the young huntress.

"Hi Anna, how are you doing?" Percy asked kindly.

"Great!" The young huntress exclaimed. Percy had brought Anna to the hunters, knowing that the demigod camps were no place for a girl as young as her.

"Can I have a ham and cheese omelette please?" She asked.

"What colour?" Percy asked.

"Purple!" She squealed.

Percy laughed and set Anna down. "Would you girls like anything to eat?"

When there was no response, Percy set to work.

When he was finished, there was a purple omelette, a blue omelette, and a burrito.

Artemis hoisted Anna into a booster chair and sat next to her. Percy set down the foods and sat next to Anna.

Anyone could've guessed they were a family. The other hunters grumbled and left. Percy and Artemis exchanged a look.

After breakfast, Artemis carried Anna to the guestroom.

"How would you like to stay with us from now on?" Percy asked, snapping his fingers.

The guest bedroom was suddenly Anna's dream room.

Purple walls, purple bed, and pictures and toys everywhere.

Anna squealed and ran around the room before sitting down and playing with the toys.

"I think that means yes," Percy murmured in his wife's ear.

Artemis smiled and kissed his cheek before going to get dressed.

Percy sat down next to Anna and grabbed a firetruck, playing with her.

Anna giggled, screaming when Percy picked her up and ran around like he was an aeroplane.

Artemis came back and chuckled.

Percy walked over and pecked her on the cheek.

"Are you my new mommy and daddy?" Anna asked.

"If you want us to," Artemis answered.

Percy went to answer the door while Artemis played with her adopted daughter.

He came back with Thalia and Dylan in tow.

"Anna, this is Dylan and Thalia, but I'm pretty sure you already know Thalia," Percy introduced.

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