Chapter 1

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After 20 years feelings should have faded… Why is he still so much on my mind? Todd and I always had this miraculous connection. Something about our connection made me tingle with electricity just having him in the same room. It was that way when I was 13 and it was that way when I saw him last. At that meeting, even at 18 with both of us tied down with a boyfriend/girlfriend and each with brand new babies, the draw between both of us was still there. Why should this boy still be in my brain? And now with this impending meeting again between the two of us… “Lacey get your shit together! You’re 35 years old.”  Yep still not helping…What did I get myself into?

Todd and I basically grew up together. I was 11 when we met, Todd was 10. Our mothers were best friends through college. Our families were inseparable many nights a week. This was wonderful for me since I so desperately needed a stable family atmosphere at that point in my life. Their family, full of people that genuinely loved and cared for one another filled that void for me. That family especially his mother Becky, who would later become my Godmother, changed the way I looked at life. At first he was just the tag along brother of the two sisters that were my friends, Lori and Bri. I gravitated towards Lori right away and we became fast friends. Todd thought our New Kids on the Block marathon movies were stupid and refused to participate in our Paula Abdul choreography. We spent every Friday and Sat nights together, just the 4 of us. When the evening would wind down and the girls would get tired, Todd would pull himself out of the book he was hiding in and talk to me. That’s how I learned to play chess. Late at night one evening, while his sisters were sleeping he, very patiently I might add, taught me how to play chess. It surprised me, for a boy he could hold down a conversation! Needless to say, I lost…over and over. He never made fun of me though like the other boys did in school. He knew I was damaged, hell over the years he got a front row seat to the damage brought on by my parents. He was there the last time my dad walked out of my life. He was there while my mom drug me in and out of therapy because I was an angry child. Through it all, he never looked at me like I was. 

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