Chapter 4 - Training

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No one's POV:

There stood the class 1-A, half asleep due to the time.

"Good morning" said Aizawa with an bored tone "today we are training to increase and strengthen your quirks, so you will all be able to get your hero licenses. To make you more prepared for the threaths the villains are giving us. So, Bakugo," he threw a softball to him" Throw this with your quirk."

"Didn't we do this on the beginning of the year?" the blonde questioned

"your last record was 705,2 meters. try it now, let's see how much have you improved"

a smirk grew onto the boy's face

some classmates started questioning themselves on how far would the ball go now, and how have they improved.

With an explosion, the ball went flying. The teacher showed the machine. it said "709,6m"

"you may have gained more stamina, or learned different ways to use your quirk, but at the end, we did nothing to the quirk itself." Aizawa said while grinning. "let the hell begin"


Noises could be heard from distance, while Izuku was doing his daily exercises, normal working out stuff.

"You are improving fast, you can see the difference from the start of the year clearly" said Mandalay, supervising the only student that actually was theirs.

"here," she threw a machine created to show grip strenght at the greenette "try this."

he catched it easily, and tried his hardest, the machine showed 114lbs, or 52kg

"wooow," said mandalay, shoving her face next to Izuku's "that's a BIG improvement!" she said happily, while giving small jumps up and down, obviously excited about her student's improvements.

"thank you, Mandalay, but I did work really hard to get to this"he said, glancig at the machine that still showed the numbers even without any pressure being applied

"I wanna rub it on Eraser's face" she said while grabbing The boy's pulse and dragged him while jogging to the training field

"ERASER!" a female voice shouted, while the man stared and turned to the woman and the boy coming his way 

"Look at what MY boy can do!" Mandalay shoved the machine into the man's face "What's YOUR biggest improvement?" she asked proudly

the man moved his gaze to the machine, and to the nervous kid a couple times.

"Good job Mandalay." he said while giving the device back to the green haired one, who took it shyly "i haven't seen the phisycal improvement of my students yet, but when I do, I would like to show you what I could do."

This just made the boy more nervous, he would need to work harder to make his teachers proud (oh boy, poor baby, so innocent.) and to be able to compete with the U.A. hero students, the best ones in the country.

"But i won't pressure my baby Oci." Mandalay stated, while plopping a hand on Midoriya's shoulder, bringing him closer to her "he did so well for boy with a quirk that doesn't help his strenght, or an emmiter quirk" she was now hugging him

"Baby?" the kid that was quiet untill now questioned. Mandalay looked at his face


"why 'Baby'?"

"Because you are one. MY baby."


"Anyway," she turned to Aizawa "if you don't wanna lose a student, i could send my boy to find the girl in the ball that bounced into the woods" she said calmly, pointing to a place behind the man 

He turned around with big eyes, and stared at the woods, various places the girl could've went to 

"Oci, go fech her please" the woman said, tapping her hands on his shoulder, pushing him lightly into the wood's direction. he nodded and began runnig into the woods

"How do you know he will find her so easily?"

"His quirk is the perfect one for rescuing people. He will be back in no time"

After one minute or so, the boy appeared again, leading a gigant clear ball with a girl crawling inside it. He opened the ball and the one once inside it fell right out, and ran to the bathroom.

"see?" the woman said, bringing the man's attention to the kids now out of the woods

"have you ever brought him to an actual patrol or rescuing mission?" the grumpy hero said, with clear interest

"What? no! He still needs more training to be able to go to a mission without any risks." Mandalay argued

"He will learn faster by experience" he argued back

"fine, but I will have to talk to the others first, and wherever we goes, we stick with him."

724 words

First version:11/9th/2020

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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