Panic (Chapter 3)

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(Meanwhile in Chloe's head)

I-it's her it's really her, I can't believe it but she's standing right there. She looks so different in a really good way, damn was she hawt... WAIT WTF DID I JUST SAY? I-I just called Dupa- Mari hawt?!?! D-do I like Mari? She's staring at Lila and... ME?! AND she's blushing? Wtf is going on?

(In Lila's head)

I was just listening, not looking up at everyone until I heard Alya calling Mari's name. I look up to see Mari hugging her bff. She's here, She's actually here?! I thought to myself, I can't believe it. Mari's back a-and she forgives us! Wait a minute she looks so different but hot and is she BLUSHING?! (Completely neglecting she just now called Mari hot.)

(Back with Mari)

They all stared at me then all of a sudden like half the class started bawling their eyes out while the other half was trying to hold back but eventually broke and also was bawling their eyes out. After they all calmed down Miss Bustier clapped her hands wiping her tears away and asking us to take our seats except Nino and I so we can answer any questions. Everyone nodded and went to their seats as me and Nino stood at the front, before anyone asked Nino said...

Nino: ok so I know you all have a lot of questions, I will explain as much as I can once I'm done you can ask anything that I didn't answer.

Everyone nodded and Nino started to explain...

Nino: Ok first things first me and Mari are cousins, on the day that we left there were some family problems that we had to take care of so we left. We have been keeping in contact with our aunt or who you know as, Miss Bustier for the past 3 years updating us with news on Paris and the class, at first we went to the US to deal with some problems there but then there was word that the problem was also in China. So after we dealt with the problem in the US we went to China where the problem was also happening. I know you are all confused so ill say what the problem was, apparently in our family there is a dormant disease that only affects women in the family. The disease can either make you very sick to the point where you cough up blood and eventually die or it can give you the power to heal, which means they could cure the other option of this disease, the disease is also unknown. The unknown disease has been dormant for most of the family history so we didn't have to worry too much but all of a sudden it became active, we still don't know why. The only problem is that to be healed you would have to consume the blood of one who can heal but the chances of being one were very low. We left for the US so that we could go test out all the women's blood in the family to see if it has been activated yet and or to see if anyone has healer blood...

As Nino explained the real story of what happened something was bothering me Aunt Caline is acting weird ill like she's hiding something, I'm just going to have to keep an eye on her for now but at least this story is mostly the truth where just leaving out the princess and the coronation thing and some other things. I hear Nino starting to say some stuff that I wish to forget but I bare it.

Nino:... we eventually found out that Mari was the one percent that had the healer blood but we also found out that healer blood actually doesn't resonate in women. It resonates in half females and half males, luckily for the family Mari was born as a hermaphrodite or intersex, so she looks female but is also male as well. After we found this out we started making pills that have Mari's blood in them healing any family members that have the disease...

After hearing that something happened, I started panicking. Nino noticed and stopped explaining to come help me.

(Nino POV)

I look over stopping to see Mari panicking, oh no it's happening again. No no not now anything but now, in the middle of class especially. I went to help Mari and I look over to our aunt and said...


(Caline Bustier  POV) 

Nino was explaining everything that happened most of it I knew about but Mari had the healer's blood? and they made pills for the treatment? speaking of which I need to get them soon, originally I tested negative for having the disease but recently I've been coughing up blood. I'll need to ask for a pill later, could Mari having healer blood be the reason behind the pani- 

My thoughts were cut off when I heard Nino yell.


Shit not now of all times, could it have been Nino explaining everything that triggered Mari's panic attack? No, I need to help Mari right now I don't have time to be thinking why this is happening ill just have to ask Nino later.

(Alya POV)

Nino was explaining everything and I was shocked, Mari and Nino are cousins, and Miss Bustier is their aunt? Mari is half female half male? Mari can cure any disease? I was snapped out of my daze as I heard Nino yell at Miss Bustier. 


Code red? What's that? I wondered all of a sudden Miss Bustier ran to Nino and Mari as my eyes followed. My eyes grew wider at the scene taking place, Mari was kneeling on the floor her hands over her head eyes shut as tight as possible shaking her head violently as Nino and Miss Bustier try to comfort her. I start to feel heartbroken at the sight of my bff like this, I turn to the class that was all of a sudden standing with a horrified expression. I look over to Adrien he looked concerned and horrified as well and so was the rest of the class, Chloe and Lila looked more concerned and scared than anyone else in the room. I tried to ask what was happening but nothing came out I was so terrified at the scene taking place. I felt a hand on my shoulder to see Adrien as he blurted out...

Adrien: Nino explains, what is happening to Marinette?

Nino turned his head to look at Adrien, a sympathetic and worried look across his face. He whispered something to Miss Bustier and then stood up as Miss Bustier nodded her head. 

Nino: I'll explain what's happening but first let me move Mari outside the room and calm her down, she does not need to be reminded of what happened.

The class confused and concerned slowly nodded their heads as Miss Bustier and Nino slowly help Mari out of the classroom. As soon as Nino and Miss Bustier were out of the room to help Mari everyone just stood there in silence. As time went by all we heard was screams and yells coming from Mari and Nino outside I was horrified, tears started to come out and I couldn't stop myself. I felt someone hugging me, I look up to see all the girls huddling me trying to comfort me as well as each other. I gave the girls a weak smile and they returned the smile. We stood there listening to the blood-curdling cries coming from Marinette and the stern yet comforting yells coming from Nino. Something happened to them that there not telling us and I intend to find out. After a while the yelling and screaming stopped, then Nino and Miss Bustier walked in, in a terrified yet relieved expression. I opened my mouth to speak hoping this time it worked, I was able to choke out and yell a couple of short questions...


Oof done with chapter 3 hehe I'm gonna go write chapter 4 now (1367 words)


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