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In shadows deep, I quietly tread,

Leaving only footprints, silent as the dead.

Unlike a dog, I make no sound,

Fearful of the crowd, in silence bound.

I've stolen naught, I've shed no blood,

No record of wrongdoing, no damning flood.

Untold remains my story's tale,

In my eyes, teary dust prevails.

A prisoner of my past, trapped and confined,

Uncertain of how long I'll last in this bind.

Their probing eyes fill me with dread,

Outside, I dare not tread.

My identity shrouded, known to none,

Yet they drag me, a soul undone.

A traitor to myself, I feel the weight,

Discriminated, branded by fate.

How do I escape this prison's grasp?

They don't listen, to my reasons, I rasp.

I want to scream, but silence prevails,

Mouth taped shut, emotion trails.

Is this how truth is stifled, kept in chains?

Afraid of the proof my voice contains.

Will there be a day I find a passage free?

Or forever locked, will I be?

When will justice shine its light?

To fight for my nation, my heart takes flight.

Conscience guides, unwavering and strong,

I'll risk all, if righting the wrong.

Silent Scribbles | TearsilyneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon