so far my day begins by me waking up at 6:30 am i give my sister her medicine then I go back to sleep. Then at 7:23 am i get woken up by said sister only to be kicked out of my room to start my college classes. I couldn't help but be curious as to what's going on else where. Therefore I head over to Wattpad to see my teddy put a message on my board on Saturday. Also if he's reading this right now I miss you uncontrollably everyday teddy bear I look forward to the day I can see and hear you again. I am in desperate need for hugs, cuddles and kisses by you and only you. part of me just wants to run off with a bag full of food, cash and some clothes and masks just so I could escape this hell hole but I'm pretty sure no one would ever want to help someone as pathetic and stupid as me but if I'm wrong and someone would go out of their way to help me get to the one I love please I beg of you help me but only if you believe I'm a worthy cause