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I walked with Nicolas by my side, holding my hand all the way up to the office. Rayaan, Devina and the Bitch walked in front of us. Elijah and another guard, Ricardo, flanked them, making sure they went straight for the office and nothing more. I knew Jonathan was following us closely behind.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Veronica whispered next to me. 

It caught me off guard. She and I haven't had a proper conversation in months. I composed myself and shrugged, "I'm not sure. But what else can we do? We're lost in this whole shit."

Her eyes went past me and her stare hardened. "They know who my brother is, Anastasia. That can't be good. He shouldn't be here. He should get away."

I huffed, "you tell him that. He's more curious than anyone now, he won't leave." She looked worried, something that wasn't uncommon between the twins. I smiled, touching her arm. "Don't worry. They so much as get too close and I'll kill them both. He'll be fine."

"No, you don't get it," she shook her head. Veronica stopped and turned to me, grabbing my arm to stop me with her. "He is always being used as some sort of ultimate weapon by those who want to hurt us. Mussolini tried killing him and nearly succeeded multiple times. Katerina's attempt would have been successful if it weren't because she slipped up and he found a chance."

Nicolas caught on to our conversation and stepped up. "Vee, what are you talking about?"

Veronica got angrier as she spoke again. Her eyes shone with anger as she spoke at me venomously. "My brother is constantly being used as bait for you and you don't do anything about it! How many attempts to kill him will it take before you start caring for him as something more than your anxiety relief!"

"Vee!" Nicolas shouted. The guards turned to face us, stopping in their tracks. Nicolas signaled for them to continue. When they did, he turned back to Veronica, "what are you talking--"

"My brother is more than just your happy pill and some boy toy for you! Isn't it your job to protect him if he's in danger? How many more attempts to kill him will it take for you to put him first!" 

Jonathan stepped up, about to say something to Veronica, but I shook my head at him. He looked angry and I knew he was going to come in my defense, but right now it would just make matters worse. Before Nicolas could also say something back, I turned to him and pushed him towards the direction of the office. "You go ahead." I looked to Jonathan and nodded in the same direction, "you too. Come on."

Jonathan gave me a look of I have your back, before walking ahead. Nicolas, on the other hand, pushed me away. He looked down at Veronica, a scowl on his face. "What crawled up your ass, huh?"

"Nicolas," I groaned. He was just going to make it worse.

Veronica was venting. She had been piling up her frustrations and her fears and angers for so long and it finally started to release. Maybe she meant what she said, maybe she didn't. Thing is, she is directing her anger at me because I appear as the easiest target. I am the person who is supposed to have this all under control, all together. And I don't. Coming after me is easy and it will feel good for her. I don't blame her for that. I can see right through it. If Nicolas wasn't so angered at the words spoken, he would have realized it too.

"No," he shook his head at me. He looked to Veronica and put his hands out, as if saying what's going on. "You've been uptight for a while now, Vee. I've had my patience and understood that you're going through shit right now. Trust me, it hurts no one more than me seeing you like this. But what you just said? What the fuck? You know that shit's not true. You know she can't control that. What the fuck--"

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