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The next morning starts with a fairly succinct reply from Seth.

Glad it's good to see each other. Yeah, sure. Have a good day.

His irritation is palpable, but I'm not really sure what to do about it. I'm so exhausted and trying to hash it out when we're on completely opposite coasts feels a bit difficult.

So, I just quickly respond with a thank you, before getting up and getting ready for the day. No doubt that our parents will be coming over soon, so I want to at least be out of bed before they arrive.

I've just got out the shower when I hear the front door open and Mom announce their arrival.

I shout back that I'm just going to get dressed and then I'll be right with them.

Upon my arrival in the kitchen, I see Mom opening up various cupboards, clearly looking for something. 'Are you all right, Mom?'

'I'm just looking for a frying pan,' she sighs. 'I wanted to make some pancakes for breakfast.'

I smile fondly at her. I love Mom's pancakes. 'In the cupboard behind you.'

As she sorts herself out, Dad approaches me and pulls me into his arms. 'Morning, kiddo.'

I scrunch my face up at the nickname but decide not to fight him too much. It's not really worth it, especially given the tension that escalates the minute Terry enters the room.

Mom continues crashing about in the kitchen, but Dad sends a smile towards his son. 'Did you sleep okay?' he first asks Terry, before looking down at me while I'm still cocooned up his arms.

'Yeah, I did thanks,' Terry replies. 'How's the hotel?'

'Fine,' Dad replies, shrugging. He's never been one for luxuries, so I doubt the hotel interests him in the slightest. 'Cup of coffee?'

'Yes please!'

I really want to have coffee with my dad and brother, but I decide that they could do with some time for just the two of them, so I decide to help Mom make the pancakes. 'It's really nice outside,' I gesture to Dad. 'Why don't you two take your coffee outside? Mom and I will manage the pancakes.'

It doesn't take any persuasion for the men to leave, but I notice Terry turn around on his way to the glass door and shoot me a wink.

I just shoot him a mischievous grin back.

Divide and conquer.

Mom and I just casually catch up as we make the breakfast, taking our time because Katie and Stephen haven't actually surfaced yet.

To my surprise, it's Mom who brings it up. 'You and Terrence still seem very close.'

I continue beating the mixture in the bowl, nodding my head, despite the shock swimming in my system. 'Yeah. We've always gotten on really well.'

'I know. I just,' she pauses, as though she's choosing her words carefully. 'I just wondered if things had changed lately. You've both always been very mellow, but that doesn't mean you can't get angry or upset at things.'

She's right, of course. Terry and I are much more like our Dad, while Katie inherited Mom's fire. What she's not right about, though, is to assume that I'd take the same attitude as her with Terry at the minute. He's my brother and I've got his back, end of story.

'Of course,' I reply lightly, knowing I'm potentially treading on thin ice. 'But that would require something to be angry or upset about.'


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