Chapter - 1 BackStory

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Third Person POV:

The empire of SMP was in comfortable silence, and what a lovely night it was for the moon stayed true to its beauty, the whole world was in a deep slumber except for our one little princess

"Wake up Dream! Wake up!" Drista called out to her brother shaking him side to side, the 5 year old princess was unable to sleep and wanted to play with her dear brother

The prince woke up from his dreams like his very name, he sat up to see his sister who stand jumping on his bed wanting to play

The 12 year old prince rolled his eyes as he laid back down "Go to sleep Drista! Its like 2 in the morning!" He says, his sister stops her act as she lays down next to him, signalling that she isn't leaving his room

"I want to play!" She says as she rolls over pushing the older one off his own bed, Dream falls to the ground tho saved as the blanket breaks his fall he gets up as his sister laughs and giggles

"Oh now you have done it!" He says as the princess runs outside the older's room as he follows behind her, tho being able to catch up to her easily he acts as if he wasn't fast enough

"Come on slow poke! Catch me!" The little one mocks her brother running backwards unknown to what was in front of her, a statue of glass that is

The older sees the trouble "Drista wait!" He says tho too late as the younger slips on the royal red carpet and falls on the glass, what happened next was...

. . .

Dream opens his eyes to see his sister in his hands safe and sound, tho he could have sworn she fell right into the glass statue, he realized that it wasn't the only thing that was odd

The prince sees his hands, starting from his shoulder his porcillen white skin going down slowly turned black as charcoal he sees his sister fainted from the shock of the accident

The glass statue was broken suprisingly only waking the king and queen as they rushed to see the problem on seeing their son the queen almost falls down fainted but somehow holds herself up

"Dream, what h-happened?" Asks the King as his son puts down his daughter looking confused himself, he had broken her fall through large black hands with sharp claws that looked like one of a beast

"H-honey its ok, come to mommy it will be fine" The queen says walking towards her son, the prince afraid of himself doesnt want to harm her for he doesnt know who or what he is "No please stay away!" He says fearing for their lives

. . .

That very night the King takes his finest horses and carriage as he rides his family to see the witch of the valley, upon telling the witch about what had occurred and showing her the prince's hands she replied

"This is a curse! This is a curse the King was given for ending innocent lives when he was young! Now your son shall pay the price of your misdeed as this cure was given by another witch whose husband you chopped the head of!"

The king and the queen look frightened, the queen agrees that her husband should be punished for his misdeeds for that is Just but not her son, not the poor soul who did nothing wrong in his short life he had on earth

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