Chapter 9 - The Coordination Day

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Third Person POV:

"Today is the day.." The prince said as he took a deep breath, he was wearing his fathers cloths that he wore in his coordination

A black coat on top with hints of white on a button up white shirt, a necklace with a blue sapphire on it, a white cape with a gold chain that connected the two sides of the cape to the clothing with another sapphire on the left side he wore black pants with black boots which also had hints of white

That wasnt the only stunning thing tho, the prince changed his mask by adding a couple gold painted swirls to it, tho he liked his mask simple he guessed that for at least today he should be more royal like

The blonde had his hair moved to one side of his skull being the left side as he wore a diamond earring only on his right ear which looked almost blue too, he didnt mind it as it matched with he's father's clothing

Tho his face wont be shown, he decided to put on some make up anyway, as it was something that had been for generations and he didnt wanted to change that

The prince didn't do much as some of the other princes did, he just added a very faded shade of blush and that was really all he added with a little powder that made his already white skin even fairer

The prince saw the multiple people entering the palace, he never noticed how populated the kingdom was. Tho panicking inside the masked prince tried his best to keep calm

"Your Majesty?" Came a voice from outside his bedroom door as the prince walked to it, he didnt opened the door as it was a rule in their kingdom that

No one is allowed to see the new king on the coordination day until the time he will be crowned

"Yes?" He answered from the other side, his friends and servants all were already comfortable with talking to the prince from the other side of the door so it wasnt as weird as it would have been for other princes on their coordination

"Your coordination will be in half and hour" the maid announced, the prince thanked the girl as he heard her walk away from his bedroom door

. . .

The blood god sat there in the front row with many other kings and queens as the villages all took a seat behind them

The pink male was happy for the prince from now and on wards he will be a king, but at the same time he wanted to spend more time with the other, he didnt knew why, he just felt comfortable around the other

A man stood near the thrown that Techno recognized as the minister's son Bad that is, he hold a crown that had different coloured gems on it, and a book

Soon a man dressed in all white arrived he was an old man around his 70s or 80s, the blood god guessed that was the royal pope and he was correct

With no parents or relatives it seems the big honour was given to the pope, that id to crown the next king

Many people came, so many that the young Tommy and Tubbo lost count while playing a game of counting the people who arrived

Of course there already were a lot of rulers for a week there but now there were villagers and some relatives of those villagers from other kingdoms, rich and popular people who had nothing to do with the prince also came to give gifts to the new king

There weren't enough seats insides so some just stayed outside with the doors open so they could still see the new king be crowned, tho there were still good arrangements for them

The princess had thoughtfully put benches outside their kingdom so people can rest, she also made sure that they are given water if thirsty be use of the heat of the sun she even did one round around the kingdom ever hour just to make sure every once needs were fulfilled

The Coordination (Dream x Technoblade) [COMPLETE!!!]Where stories live. Discover now