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Chapter One

My dad rested his chin on the top of my head as we stood in the middle of the crowded train station, people shuffling past us.

"Alright. As much I love to see dad show any sort of emotion, we're gonna miss the train." Said my brother, interrupting one of the VERY few emotional moments I've ever had with my father. Let's just say he's not exactly the type to show you how he's feeling. My dad tends to be really awkward when it comes to vulnerability.

"Yeah. Alright kiddo," My dad cleared his throat, "I'll see you in a few months."

"Make sure you write to me to let me know how things go, and you," he pointed to my brother, "you better look after your sister."

"Yeah yeah. Okay can we go now?" I let out a laugh at how impatient my brother is, as I turned back to my father.

"Okay. I love you," I said, giving him one last hug.

He wrapped his arms around me, giving me one final squeeze, "Love you too, princess." My dad kissed the top of my head before finally letting go.

It's weird honestly, I'd only been here for 3 months, but I already felt closer with my father than I ever had with my mother.

My mother had always dreamed of living in France. I mean I can't blame her, she belongs there. She's very.. polished. I mean sure, we had the occasional moments where we'd get along. But those few times of actually feeling connected with my mom didn't last long.

I can't blame her, we're just not very alike. I love her to death, don't get me wrong.. But I needed to do this for me. I needed to come to London, to Hogwarts. To be with the rest of my family.

My dad gave my brother a quick pat on the back as they hugged.

Well, that's rare.. I thought to myself. The two least expressive people I know.. hugging? Dang.

"Be safe you trouble makers. I better not get any letters saying you exploded your potions assignment." My dad sent my brother a playful glare, shaking his pointer finger at him.

"It was one time!" My brother groaned. I couldn't help but laugh.

I followed my brother onto the train, looking through the windows at all the other kids sitting in their compartments. I couldn't help but smile at the way they laughed with their friends, I wanted that.

I cant wait to meet everyone, though I'm very shy, I can't wait to finally have real friends.

I never had any real friends at Beauxbatons, just a few girls who weren't completely terrible towards me.

As I followed my brother down the skinny hallway he suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing me to stumble into his back.

"Oof- Ugh. Watch where you're going Ce." My brother groaned from in front of me.

"Well can you blame me when you stop dead in your tracks out of nowhere, maybe give me some sort of warning next time?" I rolled my eyes, "Why'd you stop?"

My question was soon answered as he slid open the door to a compartment filled with three other people. A boy with dark brown hair, a red headed boy, and a girl with frizzy brown hair.

"Hey Ron, where are your brothers?" I heard my brother ask.

I stared at the brown haired boy for a few seconds, until I realized he had been staring back. I felt a slight blush creep onto my cheeks as I looked down at my feet. Why does he look so familiar?

Lost On You ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now