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y/n - your name
y/m/n - your mom's name

You are the daughter of Keishin Ukai (Karasuno High's Coach) and y/m/n. They divorced, you were only 5 so your mother got custody of you. She moved to America, then back to Japan, and got remarried to a drunken pot-head, because of him she has to work harder and longer. You hated him with a passion. When he was drunk he was unpredictable, he would beat you and your mom. After when he was sober he would apologize and your mom would be okay with it. Your step-father would call you a slut, worthless, or a waste of time and money. You're friends (mostly guys) distanced then selves afraid of your father know he did these awful things to you and your mom.

You had scars and cuts from times you wanted to bleed out and die. The only thing stopping you before passing out was knowing your not the only suffering, your mom was also suffering. The late nights where you heard screaming and yelling from you're mom and step-father, scared that one he would kill you in your sleep. You wanted to die but not by his hands. People would ask about the cut and scars on your wrists and the bags under your eyes. You simply responded with, "The cuts on my wrist are just deep cuts from strays cats, and the bags under my eyes are because I was staying up late studying."

You are a BADASS (when you need to be), strong (physical) but kind person. You have a shield showing people you're strong and a bit cold but on the inside, you were as soft as they came.

On the weekends you go spend the day with your biological dad (Keishin Ukai). You never told him you're problems. You were a keep it to you're self kind of person, and don't involve anyone else.

Just a heads up, I do a lot of POVs and same time's, meaning you'll see everyone's or the character's POV.  So in this case, it could be Tsukishima's and Kageyama's POV, but it's different POV paragraphs, same times different POV paragraphs.  


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