Chapter 1 - Volleyball

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You're POV

There were only five more minutes of English class, come on.  I huffed out in irritation I look at Kenma, sleeping right next to me on the next seat across.  I huffed again this time out in jealousy knowing if I fell asleep in my classes like Kenma did I would fail my classes no dought.  I look back at the clock, and surprisingly there were still two more minutes of class.


"don't forget class you are now in winter break." said my teacher as some kids were already walking out

"Finally, it's break," I said as I stretched my arms out while yawning.

"Are you going to visit your dad y/n?" said Kenma in a low quiet voice.

"OMG, don't scare me like that, but Ya, I'm- ow!" I accidentally rubbed one of the fresh cuts on my arms. It was more painful than I remembered.

"You good?" said Kurro as he walking into the classroom, probably to get Kenma for volleyball practice.

"Ya, I just accidentally rubbed against a cut," I said looking at the cuts.

"Yeah... you good y/n?" Kuro and Kenma said in sync.  More Kurro then Kenma. 

Before I could respond with my lame-ass excuse I got a call from my dad. "Oops, gtg ttyl, "I said as I'm running out of the classroom and answering the phone, "Hey what's up," I say cheerfully, excited I get to get out of the house I'm supposed to call home. "Heeeeeyyy, y/n." dad said slowly getting softer. "uh oh, I don't like the sound of that dad," I said slowly slowing down on my what to change my shoes. "NO no no, nothing is wrong, it is just you have to go to Karasuno High's gym instead of the convenience store. Right now I'm the coach for the volleyball team. I'll send you the directions." dad said pretty quickly probably so I don't panic. "A VOLLEYBALL COACH, REALLY!!  I can see that, kinda..."I said looking around seeing people stare at me with confusion.  I just fast walk away.  "Okay, thanks, dad.  It may take a little longer for me to get there.  I have to get my clothes from the house," I said cheerfully once again now putting on my shoes.  "Okay see you in a bit." dad said sounding a bit sleepy, then hanging up the phone. 

I made it to my house, I looked up and sighed, hoping my step-dad isn't home.  I entered my home peeking around to see if he was home, after a little while I sighed in relief and ran upstairs where my bedroom is.  I changed into (outfit 1) a tied-up NASA crop top, black high waisted jeggings (leaving little to no imagination), bandaging your arms, and put my black and pink platforms near the door.  I grabbed my duffel bag and packed (outfits 2,7,9,10,14,15), I grabbed a small backpack and pack my volleyball practice gear in there. 

I grabbed my keys and ran down the stairs stopping right as the door was opening, he was home, earlier than usual

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I grabbed my keys and ran down the stairs stopping right as the door was opening, he was home, earlier than usual.  He must have remembered it Friday for once.  "hEy, slUt whERe dO YoU tHInK yoU'Re gOIng?!"  his voice is slurred making it hard to understand him.  *He comes home with a beer in this hand REALLY?!?  Well, really he always drinks. * my mind started racing.  "Going to my dad's for winter break, mom said I could," I said confident enough to sound strong but not disrespectful.  He looked at me with hate in his eyes, "EhHh. wHatEveR." and walked away.  I didn't have time to be shocked or question it, I just looked at him and ran to the train station. 

*time skip*

I was walking to the convenience store when I decided to look at my phone and saw a text from my dad from a couple hours ago.  It was directions to Karasuno High's gym..." Ughhhh, I totally forgot," I said as I was crouched down regretting my life's choices.  I looked in the store and noticed at the register I saw dad's cigarettes and his wallet.  *Ohhh, ya this is a face slap moment for dad* I thought as I looked behind one of the vending machines and took the taped on key.  I opened to door, dropped off my duffle, grabbed dad's cigarettes and wallet, and walked out of the store, not forgetting to lock the door. 

*very tiny time skip*

I open the gym doors and see a volleyball coming straight at me.  Since my reflexes are fast I was able to shield my face with my arm forgetting it was cut. When the ball was making contact with my arm I screamed out in pain crouching down gripping my arm.  Catching the attention of my dad and the volleyball players, "HEY! y/n are you okay?!?" said dad as he made his way to me.  I poped up and smiled "just kidding, but really...ow that hurt," I said hiding my pain.  "Oh yeah, old man, you forgot these," I said as I tossed his wallet and cigarettes.  "Oh, thanks." dad said as he tried to seem that he didn't forget it.  "Coach who is that?" a small boy said.  He had dark brown hair with a blond streak in the front.  "Oh, this is my daughter, y/n." my dad said in a monotone voice just like mine.  "WHAT!!! YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!" erupted the players.   "H-hello, pleased to meet you I'm Y/n Ukai," I said quite shakey.  "hey, I'm Tanaka and this in Nishinoya," a boy with a shaved head said as he was pointing to the small boy who was asking who I was.  "I'm Sugawara, but please call me Suga, this is Dichi and Asahi." As he said pointing to two guys who are very tall and one with a small bun.  A small boy with bright orange hair ran up to me" And I'm Hinata, that's Yamaguchi, and over there is Kageyama and Tsukishima" said the living tangerine boy pointing to a an average hight black-haired boy, and two boys that looked familiar.  I cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "Thsuki, Kei and Kage, Tobi?" I said curiously.

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