Chapter 2 - Why are you here?

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"Tsuki, Kei, and Kage, Tobi?" I said curiously.

Tsukishima's POV:
I hear my name along with that stupid king from a familiar voice. I turn around to see everyone looking at me, "What?!?" I said along with "the king" truly confused. "YOU GUYS KNOW A HOT GIRL AND YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" Tanaka was obnoxious as ever.  Now I was baffled, I look past them and saw her, y/n.  She was running to me and jumped hug me.  The force of the hug pulling me down, "Ow..." I groaned in pain.  I looked down instantly regretting it...boobs.  I felt the blood rush to my face before I could look away I heard her speaking.  "It is you, Kei, Tobi.  Long time no see guys," enthusiastically getting up and smiling with a giggle escaping her lips.  Everyone was staring at y/n and me at this point.

Y/n POV:

"Hey, y/n how do you know Tsukishima and Kageyama?"  my dad asked.  "Oh, I met both in middle school, I had to transfer schools after, like, two weeks..?" I said while Kei was getting up and Tobi still on the floor.  "Oh, I wonder what you did that time..?" my dad said sarcastically.  "I'm not telling, humph," I said crossing my arms and pointing my nose up.  "She kicked some kid in the balls, then tackled his friend-" Kei said as I ran over covering his mouth.  "We don't speak about that," as the volleyball team erupted in laughs and giggles. 

"Ummmm, we're here too..?" said three...third years said.  "OH, IM SORRY.  I didn't mean to upset you." I said as I started to panic.  "No, no it's ok. This happens more than you think.  Anyways this is Narita, Kinoshita, and I'm Ennoshita," he said as pointing to the three remaining boys.  

"Hey y/n, there's a guy looking for you..." Kiyoko suddenly said as she walked into the gym with the volleyball that when outside. 

Kiyoko POV:
I was counting the volleyballs to make sure that three all there.  I noticed that one was missing, as everyone was introducing themselves and others I was outside the gym and noticed a white American boy.  A bit taller then Tsukishima, he had a muscular build, with brown hair.  He said something but I couldn't understand, he then had a...reminded face.  He typed something on his phone and, "Excuse me, do you know if y/n is here," came out of the phone.  I grabbed his phone and typed, "yes, I will get her, please wait.," and handed his phone back. 

I walked into the gym and said out loud so everyone heard, "Hey y/n, there's a guy outside looking for you..." I said as I walked into the gym with the volleyball that when outside.  She had a horrified look and breathed out and said, "Oh...okay I'll be right back."

Y/n POV:
Kiyoko was walking into the gym with the volleyball that when outside and told me that somebody was waiting outside for me.  I probably looked mortified, but I have a feeling I know who it is.  I slowly breathed out and said, "Oh...okay I'll be right back." As I was walking out of the gym I saw him.  "What are you doing here?!?" I called out, with a "step one foot closer to me and I will cut your dick off" smile.  he just laughed and said "To see you, baby," I rolled my eyes in disgust.  "I know how would want to see me.  The problem being, not you seeing and talking to me but the fact that you think you should see me and come talk to me," I said still smiling my deadly smile.  "Look, I flew thousands of miles to see you and THIS is how you great me!  And what do you think your wearing, it's like you are asking someone to come and rape you," he said in an irritated and frustrated tone, that is where I draw the line.  "you-YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE! TWO THINGS, ONE, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! YOUR NOT MY DAD OR MY MOM, SO FUCK OFF!  WHAT I WEAR IS NON OF YOU FUCKING BUSINESS!  TWO, YOU LOST THE RIGHT TO TELL ME ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU CHEATED!  WITH MORE THEN FIVE DIFFERENT GIRLS!  SO YOU WILL LEAVE JAPAN WHETHER IT'S IN PLANE, IN A COFFEN ON A PLANE, OR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA!!! I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!"  I yelled as he was slowly backing up before running.  I turn back to see my dad and the volleyball players except for Kei and Tobi all in shock. 

Tsukishima's POV:
As Kiyoko told her there was someone waiting outside for her. I noticed that y/n had a horrified look on her face and all she did was breathed in and out and said, "Oh...okay I'll be right back."  As she was walking away, we were silently following her to the entrance of the gym to see a guy look at y/n...questionably.  "Hey, coach do you know who that is?" questioned Noya.  "I have no idea.  I'm equally confused." she started to say something.  "I know a little bit of English so I might be able to figure out what they're saying, so shoosh," I said as I pulled out my phone to record their convocation and everyone zipped up quickly.  "Oh...My God...what the fuck...Oh, he's dead."  

I said as I listened to their convocation even more.  "What, what are they saying?!" questioned Coach Ukai. "SHOOSH," I said still listening to their conversation.  "Soooo...she said, "you-YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE! TWO THINGS, ONE, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! YOUR NOT MY DAD OR MY MOM, SO FUCK OFF! WHAT I WEAR IS NON OF YOU FUCKING BUSINESS! TWO, YOU LOST THE RIGHT TO TELL ME ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU CHEATED! WITH MORE THEN FIVE DIFFERENT GIRLS! SO YOU WILL LEAVE JAPAN WHETHER IT'S IN PLANE, IN A COFFEN ON A PLANE, OR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!" word for word," as I finished translating y/n and that douchebag ex-boyfriend's conversation.

"What are you guys doing?" came a voice behind us, as we slowly turning our heads to see y/n and her I-will-kill-you-tonight smile. "Just seeing what Tsuki was playing on his phone," said Coach Ukai said as he was walking towards y/n. "Oh, okay,"y/n said as she skipped into the gym. We all breathed out in relief.

Y/n POV:
I know that Kei could translate, but I just didn't have the effort to scold them too.  As I made way to the door the boys parted, I stopped dead center in my tracks and heard all the boys quiet instantly.  "Hey, dad could I play a game with them. I'm kinda irritated right now," as I looked at my dad with my sweet and innocent smile. "Umm, okay. Boys, be ready... I am dead serious. when she's mad there's no stopping her," said my dad as he told me to get ready. "I heard that dad, don't scare them over nothing," I said glaring at dad as I made my way to the changing room.

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