Chapter 19 [Day 11]

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>>Jimin's POV<<

I woke up and saw that I was in my room. Today is the day. I get to go into the studio with Yoongi. Maybe if I can finally get that kiss from him, I can sing to him and we will live happily ever after. I roam through the closets to find the perfect outfit.

'No. No. Ew. Gross.'

After trying on so many outfits, I found the perfect outfit.

After trying on so many outfits, I found the perfect outfit

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I ran out of my room and ran down the stairs and into the living room where I saw everyone sitting there.

"Jimin. We need to talk," Seokjin said.

I gave them a confused look. I sat down.

"There have been rumors going around lately and I don't think you're going to like it," Seokjin said.

I look at both. What do they mean?

"Yoongi found the voice. He is at the studio. The person who was sing was unidentified," Namjoon said.

I made a sad look.

"We don't' know-how but somehow they're there with Yoongi," Seokjin said.

I look down in sadness.

"Jimin. Are you alright," Jungkook said?

I could not believe it. Yoongi could not have found that voice until... I type on my phone and show Jin.

'I want to go there. I need to see myself.'

"Where is his studio," Jin said.
"It's at the company. We can take you there," Namjoon said.

We got all in the car. I sat there nervous. Jungkook came along as well, Taehyung was told to stay at the lab and wait in case anything happens. Pearl grab on the sleeve on my shirt. I look at her and I gave her a warm smile. We made it to the studio. The studio was inside a company. But there was a news truck and press everywhere.

"I see the press are here. Follow me and stay close," Namjoon said.

We got out of the car as we made our way in. This must be the company that Yoongi works for. I took a deep breath and let it out. Please do not be true. The only voice that Yoongi is looking for is me.

"Okay. Jimin. The studio is on the 6th floor. Once you get on that floor, keep going straight and make a right," Namjoon said.

I nod my head. I walk away to find an elevator. Once I got inside, I press the 6th-floor button, and the door close. I started fiddling with my finger. I saw the numbers go up to 1 to the 5th. Then it went to the 6th floor. I saw the press talking to Yoongi.

"Min Suga was this voice you were looking for in your new collaboration," the press asked.
"Yes, it is. Allow me to introduce you, Haneul. The surprised voice and maybe more," Yoongi said.
"Haneul. Are you happy to be collaborating with a successful rapper," the press said?
"Well of course I am. Someone like Mr. Yoongi picking me. It's something special," Haneul said.

I stood there in shock as I saw Yoongi has his hand around him.

"So, when will the recording start," the press asks.
"We will start recording at sunset. Now if you excuse us, we should get started," Yoongi said.


I turn around and walk away as the press continues to ask them questions. I was going to make my way to the elevator, but I turn the other way and sat in a corner. I cannot believe it, everything I work for. I failed.

>>Author's POV<<

Jimin felt like his mission fails but not for long. There was a voice coming was the bathroom, it was the boy who was laughing menacingly.

"Oh, this is too easy. Oh, that foolish human does not know what the voice I am using is the lovely prince. Soon as I sing right as the sun begins to set. The little prince will belong to me," the boy said as he grabs on to the shell necklace.

The boy was no other than Ursula in disguise. But he was not the only one in the bathroom. Jungkook was there as well. He could not believe it.

"I have to tell the other," Jungkook said.

>>Seokjin's POV<<

I felt so sad for Jimin. He tried so hard to be with Yoongi and now everything he works for has failed. I saw that the press was leaving. I guess the interview is over.

"I guess we will be back to the sea once this is over."
"Well for all that is worth. I'm glad we got to see my beloved Pearl take his first breath," Namjoon said.
"I don't want to go. Pearl will miss you so much."
"Don't worry. I have ways to communicate. You can call me on your shell phone. We can sea chat," Namjoon said.

I smile at his comment.

"SEOKJIN," I heard.

I look and I saw Jungkook running toward us.

"What's wrong Jungkook. And where were you," Seokjin said?
"I was in the bathroom and you won't believe what I heard," Jungkook said.

>>3 minutes later<<

"What. The voice is Ursula using Jimin voice."
"Yes. The same necklace that Ursula has, it has Jimin voice in it. He's going to sing right when the sun begins to set," Jungkook said.
"We have to stop her," Namjoon said.
"But how. Ursula is the most powerful sea witch."

I stood there as I think until I came up with a plan.

"Jungkook. You have to go back to the sea."
"What," Jungkook said.
"You have to go and get the king. If Jimin fails, he will turn into his mer-form. Ursula will take him back to the sea without a doubt. You must go and get the king. You're the fastest swimmer we know that can get there."

Jungkook looks at me before he nods his head.

"You can count on me."
"I already call Taehyung. He's on his way here," Namjoon said.
"Now don't forget."

Jungkook nods his head before he ran out.

"Now what," Namjoon said.
"We have to get that necklace."

A/N: Will they succeed in getting this necklace. Or they fail. Stay tuned for more.

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