Ep 19

682 19 9

~the realization~

'Oh my god. Im in love with PETER FREAKING PARKER'

You get up


You say pacing around on the roof

You: sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t!

You: what have I done?! He probably hates me now!

You: Oh my gosh y/n! Your a f*cking idiot!!

Peter was swinging back home when he saw you pacing around on a roof

He decided to check on you even though he was embarrassed of what happened earlier

You hear a light thud

You whipp your head around

You: oh my gosh peter I'm so so so so sorry! I-I-I-

Peter: y/n, are you okay?

He says taking off his mask

You: I- yeah-yeah I'm fine

Peter: okay then I'm going to go now

He says turning about to put his mask on

You: WAIT!!

Peter turns around

Peter: yeah?

'sh*t, it's now or never'

You thought

You: look Peter, I'm really sorry, I- you know what I'm just...

You say walking over to him, he lifts his eyebrow in confusion

Peter: what?-

You get to him and give him a quick kiss

A/n: (OMG!! I hateee this! I absolutely hate my writing, UGH!)

You quickly pull away

You: sh*t. I should have not done that. I'm sorry, I- I-

Peter cuts you have by cupping your face and kisses you, it was a passionate kiss, something you weren't expecting.

It took a few moments before you two pulled away, you shyly look down at your feet. You were red as Peters suit

You: I'm sorry peter, I hadn't realized that I was in love with you till like, 5 minutes ago.

Peter lightly chuckles

Peter: did you just say that your in love with me?

Your eyes go wide and you shoot your head up

You: WHAT?! DidIsaythat, IdontthinkIsaidIlovedyou. I- I- didn't say that

Peter: I'm pretty sure you did

You: no. no. no. I didn't say that, your just putting words in my mouth

Peter: I heard you pretty clearly

You: okay fine. fine. Maybe I did.

You mumbled the last part

Peter: what was that?

He said cupping his ear with one hand leaning closer to you

You: I said, maybe I did

Peter: that's what I thought you said.

You: oh shut it bug boy.

You say smacking his head

He moves back up and rubs his head where you hit him and fake pouted

You roll your eyes

You both look at each other and end up laughing

Peter: y/n, do you really like me?

You: no.

He looks down at his feet disappointed

You: I love you silly

You place your hand on his head and ruffle his hair

Peter: wow.

You: what?

Peter: I never thought this day would come

You: well it did

You kiss his cheek

End of episode 19

A/n: (I think I'm almost done with the series, I absolutely hate this. I'll try and do better at my next series 🤭🤫)

❤️Not love❤️ 🦋 | | Peter Parker x Reader | | 🦋 {Completed✔︎} Where stories live. Discover now