Chapter 5: Getting To Know You

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You open the door, to find Kokichi. At first you were worried it would be Miu again or someone else. Relieved, you let him inside. 

"Hey Y/N. I saw Miu walk over here earlier- then I saw Kiibo leave your dorm. You two an item or something?"
"Wh-What? No. He needed me to hide him so Miu wouldn't harass him."
"If you say so!~"
He sits down on the floor. "Soo have you talked to Shuichi?"
"About what?"
"I dunno- anything? You've been in here a while."
"Well, I've been thinking-"
"About hiiim?"
"Knew it."
You turn to notice Kokichi's cheek, that has a mark from a slap.
"Kokichi..your face- what happened?"
"Oh- well, I kinda made Kaito mad. No big deal-"
"But he hurt you."
"Really, I don't mind one bit! Anyway..don't worry about me, Y/N."
"Are you sure?.."
You hear another knock at the door. What is with people and visiting you today?
You open it and look up to see Shuichi, who's slightly smiling.  

"Hello again, L/N-kun.. if you're not busy, would you maybe like to spend some time with me? Maybe just walk around and talk about different things?"
You turn to look at Kokichi, who currently has a smug expression. You quickly turn back around, placing your arms behind your back.
"Ah- sure! That sounds nice, Saihara-kun-"
"Be careful with my friend, Saihara-chan! He tends to be a bit sensitive-"
"Nishishi, not sorry!~"
Shuichi giggles a bit. 
Feeling a bit embarrassed, you simply walk out of your Lab with him, and roam around the school.

"Ah..actually, hold that thought, L/N-kun..we've known eachother for a few days now, and...I believe..we're friends, so..why don't we try using first names?.."
First names?.. You thought. Where you're from, calling someone by their first name means you're close friends with them, or a family member of theirs. This meant a lot to you, causing you to smile. 
"I- I would like that very much...Shuichi-" Your face heated up a bit upon saying that.
His did as well, though a little bit more.
Afterwards, he smiles.
"Let's talk a little more, Y/N."
"What I was going to ask earlier, is...what's your favorite thing to do? I know you're like- the Ultimate Detective..but do you have hobbies?"
"Well..I like to read a lot. So many different novels with different stories..Situations characters must's so interesting. Sometimes..I like to read to not think about the world we live in.."
"That's...really deep, Shuichi-"
"Hahaha- I know. So..what about you? What are you interested in?"
"Oh, me?.."
He nods.
"Well..before we were brought here...I really liked to draw. Like- I wasn't good at it-- or else I'd be the Ultimate was just nice to make little doodles every now and then, haha."
"I'd like to see your work sometime, if you don't mind."
"Are you sure?..It's really not good at all-"
"I still want to see it. I'll decide if it isn't good for myself." He smiles, warmly. You feel...genuinely happy. Something you hadn't felt in quite a while. You long to be with him, to tell him your secrets, your fears..anything. You just want to spend as much time as possible with him.. could developing feelings? Is that..what this feeling is?  You're suddenly snapped out of your daze when Shuichi notices you're staring at him. 
"Y/N-kun- are you okay?"
"Ah- Sorry! I got a little distracted, haha.."
"It's alright."
"Hey L/N! Hey Shuichi!"
Kaito walks over to the two of you. Thanks for ruining the moment, Kaito..
"Hello Kaito."
He..called him Kaito so casually- Wait. He did that before- does Shuichi feel..closer to Kaito than you?  Does he trust him more? Are they closer friends?
You stared at the ground as they talked to eachother.
"So yeah- It was good talkin' to ya, Shuichi. Is he okay?-"
Shuichi looks down at you while you're still thinking without realizing.
He places an arm around your shoulder, breaking you from your thoughts, smiling.
"He's fine. Right, Y/N?"
Kaito chuckles. "Alright then! Keep your spirits up, you two. We won't give in to despair!"
Shuichi let out a quiet "wooo" to make Kaito smile, who then walked away.
You turn to him, noticing he hadn't removed his arm.
He realizes what he was doing, and begins to blush.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to stop-"
"..No, actually..please don't."
"Ah- okay."
He keeps his arm there, and you rest your head on his shoulder, as you keep walking. Being in his company made you really happy, but felt..something else. Was it jealousy of Kaito? Or was it just your feelings for Shuichi? You didn't know, and honestly you didn't care right now, as long as you were with Shuichi, you didn't mind. You walk outside with him, and remember when he kissed your hand. What a perfect time to remember this, huh? You thought to yourself, with sarcasm. 

"Y/N?- Are you alright- you keep zoning out on me." He smiles.
"I-I'm so sorry- just- thinking.."
"About what?..Maybe if I know I can try to help- if there's a problem."
"W-Well.." You feel yourself begin to shake, being nervous. Though, why wouldn't you be nervous? You like him, and you don't want to lose him, like the people you had lost in the past. 
"Why..did you kiss my hand earlier?"
He remembers the situation, and smiles. "Well..On one hand, I was simply being a gentleman..and two- I was curious to see what your reaction was."
"I-Is that so?.."
Damn it, stop stuttering! You thought to yourself. 
"Yeah.. I'd like to get to know you better, Y/N..better than anyone else."
You cover your face, trying to hide the fact you're flustered.
He smiles at this, and pats your head gently. "Remember..if you need me, just shout- and I'll be here." You look up at him, still slightly intimidated by the fact that he's exactly 3 inches taller than you. 
"I'll..remember that-"
"Alright. there something else you were thinking abo-"
He's cut off in the middle of his sentence, hearing Kokichi and Kiibo nearby. Kokichi runs over to the two of you. "Hey, Y/N! Hey, Saihara-chan! Sorry to interrupt your little date here-"
"Umm..this isn't a date-" You mumble.
"It's okay." Shuichi said, calmly. This causes you to stare at him. 
Was this a date?...
"Anyways, Saihara-chan, let's go explore together! I'll bring Kiibo along too!"
" it alright with you, Y/N?"
"I-If you want to go, go right ahead. Don't let me stop you, haha."
He smiles and lets go of your hand. You felt a longing to grab his arm, but you didn't. You let him go.
You let him leave.
As soon as you feel pressure of a situation that isn't even happening, you wave goodbye and walk back to your lab, trying not to cry as memories fill your head from your past. 
You just want it all to stop.
You want everything to stop.
You close your eyes, and the memories begin slowly flooding in...

Truth Bullet To The Heart..a Shuichi Saihara x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now