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When Keefe got to havenfeild he found Sophie and the gang playing with Wynn and Luna: Biana was chasing them while Dex watched amused. Marella and Linh were also there. They were trying to combine their abilities. Keefe walked up to them. Marella was creating a ball of fire and linh quickly put the fire out. "Hey" he said
They both jumped "Keefe!" Linh exclaimed " your alive!"
"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked
"Maybe because you were in a coma" Marella said and smiled at him.
"Keefe!" Sophie said "your finally here!"
"Yeah what is all of this Foster? Keefe asked "I wanted everyone to know your alive" Sophie said "and also try out some of your abilities." She said it so quickly that Keefe only got the end but he knew what she had said.
"Hey" he said indignantly I can do that for myself thanks. I don't want anyone getting hurt."
"Well too bad" Sophie said "we are all here and we are doing it."
When Keefe finally said hello to everyone which took a long time considering how many people were there. He went over to the grass right before the cliffs. He knew what his ability was. He had already tried it out. He was a pyrotechnic and not happy about it. Keefe snapped his fingers and a small ball of fire appear in his hand, right as Sophie snuck up behind him. Once she saw the flame she squealed. "You already found out! A pyrotechnic, never would have thought of that. Well go tell Marella. She will be so happy that you can train with her and Fintan" Sophie was speaking so fast now it was hard to keep up but Keefe only understood one word. "Wait, Fintan! No way no way am I training with that psycho. I am going to stay as far away from him as possible."
"Ok ok you aren't going to train with Fintan but how do you train then? The council can't know that you are a pyrotechnic or they will forbid you to use it." Sophie said "I know exactly where to practice" Keefe said with an evil grin

Keefe hadn't been to candleshade since lady Gisela had left. As he walked in the entrance hall he was pleased to see that Ro had done a lot of damage. His fathers busts and statues were all strewn across the floor. Paintings were ripped with sharp  pink painted claws. And glass was everywhere from the windows. "I think this will be perfect." Sophie said startling Keefe. "Oh Foster" Keefe said "it's just you." "Weird being back here isn't it." She asked. Keefe sighed she knew him to well. He tore a hand though his hair and said "yeah"  "well then let's make it quick." Sophie said "let's try and light a fire under one of the statues." Keefe nodded and stretch out his hands. He gathered his body heat and snapped. A ball flame appeared in his hand and he threw it underneath the statue. It bounced off and set another statue on fire. "I think we should have brought Linh." Sophie said as he fire spread across the room. "Well this room is taken." Keefe said he grabbed a few of the statues that had not been touched by the fire and went to the next room. Sophie followed him. They continued this throughout the entire first floor. Keefe trying and failing to control and moving out of that room before the room was engulfed in flame. But finally on the last room Keefe got his aim right and made a nice little fire underneath the statue. "Great job!" Sophie exclaimed "but how are we going to get out now?" she asked gesturing around the room. "Teleport."Keefe said "you know how to do that weird run teleporty thing well do it." "Ok" Sophie said. she took a deep breath and ran down the hallway. Keefe followed her barely keeping up. They held hands as Sophie teleported back to Havenfield. Where everyone was waiting for them

Testing the waters with keefe sencen Where stories live. Discover now