-Chapter 1-

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                   (Pikachu's POV)

       So, hi. I believe we haven't met, have we? My name's Pikachu, and I love ketchup (AN: Yup I'm sorry XD). My trainer Ash and I are traveling with some friends we met along the way through our journey through the Kalos region. Their names are Serena, Bonnie, and her brother Clemont. One thing I've learned through my travels with Ash is that this guy's DENSE. Like, as hard as a rock. If anything, I'm pretty sure Serena has a crush on him... but he hasn't noticed at all!!

        Anyways, enough about Ash and his love problems and more about me!! The thing is, ever since Serena got this Eevee of her's I've been getting a bit jelly whenever she's by Bunnelby. It's almost like,... naw it can't be that! I haven't even known her for that long! She's scared of me anyways. And Chespin. Of course she's scared of Chespin.

         "PIKACHU!!" I snap out of it as soon as I hear Ash yelling at me. I was so zoned I forgot we were still battling Wulfric! And we weren't gonna lose this time! (AN: Yeah yeah, I know Ash used Greninja but this is my story so shhhhhh) "USE ELECTRO BALL!" Ash shouted at me. I did as I was told and fired a huge ball of electricity from my tail. It was fired straight at Abomasnow. (AN: Yeah, bear with me I can't write battles and I'm not good with Ash's strategies.) He roared in pain and clutched his head. But we should've known. Abomasnow stood right back up. I could hear Bonnie from the sidelines, shouting encouraging words at us. 

           We decided that we could still win, we just needed a new strategy. I looked at Ash, and he seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Ok, Pikachu, I need you to start using quick attack, FULL SPEED!" He told me. I did what I was told and started zipping in different directions, as fast as I  could go. I could see Abomasnow's confusion, but the gleam in Wulfric's eyes told me he wasn't done yet. Suddenly Ash yelled at me again. "Quick! Use the wall! Get up above it's head while it's still confused and use iron tail!" I did as I was told once again. "Pika-pika pika- PIKA!" I said landing a direct hit on Abomasnow's head. It immediately fell over, swirls in it's eyes. "ALL RIGHT!" Ash cheered. I thought we finally had the uper end to this battle, but I should've known Wulfric's gleam was up to no good. 

          "Well played." he said, returning Abomasnow. "Well played. But we're not done yet!" he said, throwing out his last Pokemon. It revealed none other than Avalugg. 

          "PIKA!" I said and steped back a little bit. "An Avalugg!" Ash said, amazed. He pulled out his Pokedex as it started reading to him. "Avalugg, the Iceberg Pokémon and the evolved form of Bergmite. Avalugg's ice covered body is hard as steel. It uses its body to demolish any obstacle that gets in its way." it said. I had a feeling we still had a shot at this though. Maybe... just maybe... we could come up with a strategy! I knew we could, I had bet on it. But the fact that Ash had never fought one before... "It's weak to electric types huh... Ok Pikachu, let's do this!" he said, turning to me. I fired up my cheeks and grinned at him to show I was ready and determined. However, Wulfic shouted across the gym.

          "You know, Pikachu are weak against ice types as well." he said with a smirk. Ash growled. "We'll see about that." This battle could go either way; I thought. Wulfic decided to make the first move. "AVALUGG, CRUNCH NOW!" he shouted. Suddenly Avalugg came barreling at me at full speed with glowing white fangs. "PIKACHU, DODGE!" Ash shouted. I wasted no time, and jumped out of the way. Ash looked like he was trying to think of a new strategy again.  Whatever you do, do it fast!  "Pikachu, I want you to use double team, make sure it doesn't use crunch on you." he said. That was a very confusing plan, but I decided to try it.

             I began using my move and I created multiple illusions of myself to confuse the attackers. My clones and I began running towards Avalugg all at once. However, Avalugg still had it's crunch attack on and began to destroy my clones one by one.

              "PIKACHU! GET READY TO USE THUNDERBOLT!" Ash yelled. I began to fuel up one of my strongest attacks. "PIIIIIKAAAAA- CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" I said and shcked Avalugg with all my might. "COUNTER WITH AVALANCH, NOW!" Wulfric screamed. Avalugg began to create chunks of ice, raining down on me.

 Avalugg began to create chunks of ice, raining down on me

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              "PIKACHU!" Ash shouted. I feel to the ground. I began to feel extremely dizzy. My head... I thought. Suddenly the whole world blacked out and became swallowed by nothingness.

AN: Welp that's it for this chapter! Chapter 2 should be coming soon don't worry. Also I think I'd like to Insectivoreshipping into this story what d'ya think? Yes? Maybe? It's Braixen and Greninja. Ok, well, Orange out!

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