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(Sylveon's POV)

I never thought my life would be perfect.

I really didn't.

That is, until I met Pikachu.

He brought me back to a feeling I longed to have a again. Love

And because of that, I owe him everything. To love him.

Pikachu makes my whole world shine brighter. If I could thank him for anything, it would be for lighting up my world.

"Sylveon! I think we're about to go on!" Serena's voice disrupted me from my thoughts. She was so excited. This was the Master Class showcase and I knew we were going to win! Serena would become Kalos Queen!

She wanted to win for Ash, I think those two finally have really potential both ways. I've seen a spark between the two. You know what they say, like Pokemon like trainer!

Braixen and Pancham had finally stopped arguing long enough for the rest of us to get in a starting position. I could here our names being called. Soon we began to ascend upwards on the platform until we were facing a whole stage.

Normally, being in front of all those people would be the scariest thing in my life. But I've grown sense then, and with Pikachu watching me and cheering me on, I knew everything would be alright.

It was time to begin.

"Alright! Braixen, use Fire blast! Sylveon, use Moonblast! And Pancham, use Stone Edge!"

As soon as Serena gave the command and began dancing, we all began to use our moves.

The crowd cheered as they blended together magnificently.

I breathed in awe. This was amazing. I was so glad Serena was my trainer, or else I never would have been able to do a career as amazing as this!

After our finale was finished, the crowd roared. I could hear Pikachu especially.

We soon got in our seats to watch what I was terrified of. The Kalos Queen Aria's performance.

We all held our breath as we watched her twirl and dance with her Pokémon, putting on a light show I was afraid we would never match up to.

After what seemed like hours, we were finally called up to the stage, next to Aria.

"Cast your votes!" We watched as thousands of glittering sparkles came towards Serena and Aria. I was holding my breath. Soon every one was counted.

A long silence. And then:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to announce, that your new Kalos Queen is....."

I thought I couldn't breathe. It was all down to this moment...


The whole place was silent for a split second.

Then it went nuts.

I was shocked beyond belief. We won. We really won

Serena looked more shocked then all of us. She was snapped out of her loss for words when Aria walked over to her, smiling her defeat.

"Congratulations!! You did great. You deserved to win. To be honest I was kinda getting sick of being Kalos Queen." she chuckled.

Serena was still. "T-Thank you!!" she stuttered

Aria smiled. She then grabbed Serena's hand and raised it up high for the whole audience to see.

"People of Kalos!! Welcome your new Queen, SERENA!!"

The crowed cheered and cheered. I felt my face get hot. This was the best thing I could've ever wished for. Then I looked out into the crowd and spotted Pikachu, cheering his heart out. I smiled.

"Well," said a breathless Serena. She then turned around. "You guys..." she geared up. Then she hugged us, crying tears of joy. "I never would've gotten here without you all!!"

We all began to comfort her. "Braix!" "You did amazing!! We're so proud of you Serena!!"

(A little while later)

Everyone was congratulating Serena (especially Ash) and we were all able to finally sit down and relax.

Pikachu came over and sat down next to me, putting his paw on mine. "How do you feel? You're now the Pokémon of a huge celebrity!!" he said. I sighed a little. "As long as Serena's happy, so am I."

Pikachu looked up at me knowingly. "Yeah, I get the feeling." he looked down. "Everyone knows about us now, right?"

"Yeah," I answered. "It's gonna be different for them, knowing it."

"Mhm." Pikachu said and looked over to everyone else.

"Hey, I know the past couple of days have been hard, but can you promise to stick with me? Whatever happens, we can always be together?" he smiled at me.

I smile back. "Forever and always. I am yours, Pikachu."

"Hey! Sylveon, Pikachu! Come on!! We've got to get to a hotel!!" Ash called. "Coming!" we responded in unison, even though Ash couldn't understand.

As we ran over there, side by side, I felt like I could finally exhale all the breath that had been stored up inside of me for the past couple of days.

I could finally breathe. Nothing was holding me back anymore. And the best part is that I had Pikachu to help me with anything from here on out.


I smiled.

My quest for love was complete.


(AN: Guys IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!! This was so fun to write! I hope you all enjoyed this wholesome story I wrote for a really underrated ship. It was so fun creating plots and character development and adding all the little sweet spots. I hope you enjoyed this book just as much as I did writing it!! Thanks for all the support and followers I've gotten over the course of this book!! Thanks so much!!)


    Orange Cat Out!

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