Claire's plan chapter 17

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Claire's prov

  "Marina get in here!" She came quickly. I grab my coffee out of her hand immediately and took a sip. 

"Oh wow, that is good marina your dreams of having a coffee shop just might come true". I took another sip feeling instant relief I definitely had a coffee addiction I was not proud of it but I need it to function. 

"Thank you, Claire. She said with a smile. "Here are the files you ask for on Julia." She said whiles handing it over to me. I  scan through the pages whiles resuming my seat on my couch. I heard the door open I lift my head to see Lucas walking into my office. My older brother who I didn't really get along with. We don't hate each other or anything like that we're just not close. Mostly because he is a hypocrite who decides when he wants to have morals. Then acts like he is better than everyone. He will go as far as lecturing me, When he is doing the same thing. 

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "What you want am busy," I said while still scanning through the pages. 

"Just wanted to check on my baby sister." He sits next to me on the couch and put his arm around my shoulder. "Oh and mom is coming home came to warn you." He said with a wicked smirk.  My heart immediately stops for a minute I felt like I couldn't breathe. I got off the couch and begin pacing around stressing, passing my hand through my straight black hair. 

"What! why?  She decided to live in Paris why would she want to come back? I thought she was getting married to that French guy." Lucas was amused seeing me stress over my mom.  I never told my mom about the break-up and she still thinks John and I are getting married. For years I lied to her. Every time she asks when the wedding or what was going on I lied. I told her John wanted to wait till he got the company.

 " I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out you broke that boy's heart". He did a soft laugh. "To think John going to own a multi-billion-dollar company".

"Shut up Lucas!" I snap. I hated how he knew how to get under my skin. He had a wide grin on his face. I just roll my eyes at him. "I have more than enough time to make John mines," I said confidently finally feeling a bit relaxed. "When is she coming?" 

"A month from now. Oh, what's this" Lucas said taking the file off the couch and looking through it. 

"The useless file I have on John's fiancée now give it back." He didn't say anything, he continues looking then handed it back without a word. He had a serious look on his face. He might know something. "You know her Lucas?" I asked. 

"No!" He said quickly. Julia is something else she even has my brother caring about her. What is it about this fucking girl that makes everyone feel for her? 

"Marina you're fired for fucking my brother pack up and leave." Her eyes widened but she didn't argue she just left the room. Lucas shook his head.

"I won't fire her if you help me with Julia."  I stood up and walk closer to him.

"Why would I care if you fire her". He shrugs his shoulders.

"I know that Marina is paying her grandmother's medical bills. She can't afford to lose her job. Marina is also a prideful woman who won't take your money. " I give him a wicked smile. "Don't act like you don't care about her." 

"You are a cold-hearted bitch! your going to get what's is coming to you." He said before walking out and slamming the door behind him. I walk back to my comfy couch and continue scanning  Julia's file. Everyone thinks I broke John's heart that I was just some evils bitch who didn't care about him. No one knew that John literally scared me to my core that behind the sweet kind guy. There was a controlling guy who had a lot of problems. There was a night that I could never forget.

"Who was that guy! why were you talking to him?" John said storming in my room with not so much of a knock.  

"Were you following?" I got out of my bed and walk closer to him in disbelief. 

"Claire that's not the point." He stops and looks at my neck in horror. "What's that on your neck!" I immediately cover my neck with my hand. "Nothing," I told him hoping he would leave it alone. He pushes me against my bedroom wall. I yell at him so he could stop touching me. But he wouldn't budge.

 He moves my hand and turns my neck to get a better look. I was frustrated I felt weak I hated how he could move my hand or push me even if I didn't want him to. It was my body I have a right to not want to be touch. John always believes my body was his that I was his. He steps back from me. I turn my head to the side and met his gaze. His jaw clench he was glaring at me like he was about to hurt me. I felt terrified. His eyes soften and a tear slowly fell on his cheek. My heart melted and I instantly regretted what I did. As much as I tried to love John I just couldn't. Maybe it was because my parents force me to date him.  He started to walk away. I pull his arm in a hurry so he wouldn't leave. 

"Don't touch me Claire!" He said with pain in his voice. I still went after him pulling him toward me. He turns back and pushes me so hard that I hit the wall. I slowly lift my head off the floor and felt warm blood dripping from my head. His cold green eyes turn soft and he rushes over to me holding my face.

"Am so sorry Claire." He said whiles hugging me. 

For some reason, this song pops up in my head. 

Oh, she's sweet but a psycho

A little bit psycho

At night she's screamin'

"I'm-ma-ma-ma out my mind"

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