11) Obi-Wan Kenobi (NSFW)

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Summary: an alphabetized list of headcanons about obi-wan's behavior in bed

Warnings: smut, praise kink, (jedi)master kink, general kink, mentions of choking, some dirty talk, breeding kink, oral (m+f receiving)

A/N: i had way too much fun with this. if you have a character you want me to do an nsfw alphabet for, leave a comment and let me know 'cause i really enjoyed doing this. (p.s. we aren't acknowledging satine in this)

a - aftercare

     Obi-Wan Kenobi is the king of aftercare. It doesn't matter what the two of you had done throughout the night, he will make sure you have absolutely everything you need. He'll gently clean you up and tuck the blankets around you. If you want one, he'll fix you a cup of tea (tea rather than caf because he wants to make sure you sleep well). After that, he'll snuggle up with you until you fall asleep before unwillingly slipping from your bed to go back to his own quarters.

b - body part

     Obi-Wan Kenobi is far from a vain man, but if he had to pick a body part of his own to admire, he'd choose his hands. He knows that you love them, that you enjoy their calloused warmth against any given inch of your skin, but it goes beyond that. He enjoys all of the things he can do with them, the utter duality to their abilities. The same hands that wield a blaster or a lightsaber on the battlefield are capable of drawing the most pleasurable of noises from you.
     While most men would give the basic response of your ass or your breasts, Obi-Wan is a bit more intimate. He adores your hips and waist. They're the perfect places to grasp whether he's taking you from behind or simply standing close and speaking to you.
     You absolutely love his thighs. They're thick and strong from a lifetime of Jedi training without being overly muscled. He has a delicious habit of sitting with his legs crossed or spread wide, always making your mind run wild. Feeling them tense beneath you as he cums always sends a secret hum of pleasure through your body that you never intend to tell him about.

c - cum

     Speaking honestly, Obi-Wan longs for the day that he can cum inside you. Of course, there are easily accessible contraceptives, but he's a careful man and he can't risk getting you pregnant while he's with the Council. Instead, he typically wears a condom. If he doesn't, he pulls out and cums on your stomach, your back if he was taking you from behind. He doesn't particularly like the idea of cumming somewhere else like your face or breasts, he finds it degrading for you and that's the last thing he wants.

d - dirty secret

     He'd never admit to it, but he's found himself conjuring images of his hand wrapped around your throat more than once. Obi-Wan could never risk harming you, but there's something so mind-bogglingly sensual about it. He craved to rest his hand carefully over the column of your throat, possibly give it the gentlest of squeezes. The thought of your breath hitching beneath the weight of his palm, your eyes rolling back as the slight decrease in oxygen pushes you over the edge, it tempts him.

e - experience

     Although Obi-Wan wasn't exactly a blushing virgin when the two of you got together, he wasn't very experienced either. Since attachments were forbidden, the only experience he'd had were the very few one night stands he'd been willing to have in his early twenties. He certainly wasn't the type for those, so there was only ever one or two, but he was definitely what you'd call a natural.

f - favorite position

     It may seem boring or vanilla, but he loves missionary. He can look at your face or into your eyes, it gives him the freedom to lace his fingers through yours and hold your hands over your head.  The dominant side of him loves being able to see everything he does to you, watch each and every reaction he gets.
     He certainly doesn't mind taking you from behind though. Having you on your knees and grasping your waist, that's when he's usually the roughest. Sometimes, however, he'll pull you back against his chest and wrap his arms around you. His lips will graze your neck or the shell of your ear as he murmurs how much he loves you and how proud of you he is.

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