12) Steve Rogers

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Summary: steve returns home from a mission to find you in a vulnerable mental state

Warnings: descriptions of depression and breakdowns, descriptions of ADHD

A/N: this is just me being self-indulgent and sad honestly, feel free to ignore it because it probably won't be great.

     You could only imagine how pathetic you looked, sitting here on the bedroom floor with your head between your knees and your hands tangled in your own hair in exasperation. Tears flowed down your face as sobs and whimpers escaped your lips. Your hands trembled and you felt as though you were going to scream in agony at any time.
     Finding words for how you felt would be an impossible task at that moment. It was as though every nerve in your body was overloaded. No matter what you did with your hands, you couldn't seem to feel like you belonged in your own skin. It was discomfort to the point of pain.
     Steve had been away on a mission for an entire week and that certainly wasn't helping anything. He always helped to calm you down and keep you from spiraling, but you had no way of contacting him when he was away like this. So, instead of taking deep breaths in his arms, you were falling to pieces on the messy floor. With Steve gone for a week, the room had devolved into complete chaos. You never had the motivation to clean up anymore.
     When you felt the touch of a warm hand on your back, you nearly jumped out of your skin. Reflexively, your arms jerked towards him, but Steve caught them before they could connect with any part of his body. "Sweetheart, it's me! It's Steve," He said quickly
     You froze, your arms still shaking in his grasp. "Steve?" You whimpered out weakly. "You're back."
     "Yeah, honey, I'm back. It's okay now." He gingerly guided you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you. "I've got you, it's alright." With Steve supporting most of your weight, you cried into his chest.
     Only when he began to softly sway with you in his arms did you notice that your music from an hour or so before was still playing. It's Been a Long, Long Time by Kitty Kallen filled the relatively quiet air at a low volume. You had added it to your playlist after Steve told you about it.  Sniffling, you let one of your hands slide down from his chest to grasp his, holding them out weakly beside you.
     He smiled sadly against the crown of your head, his free hand falling to the small of your back. "You wanna dance with me, sweetheart? I love this song, you know."
     "I know." Your voice was rough from crying, nasally from your runny nose. "That's why I have it."
     You remained glued to his chest as the two of you danced, or rather swayed. You weren't sure you could call what the two of you were doing dancing. After a moment of silence, he kissed your forehead and softly asked, "Do you wanna talk about it?" You shook your head and he briefly squeezed you tighter, "Well, I'm here now. It's all gonna be alright, honey."
     The song slowly came to an end, but the two of you continued to sway back and forth as the next song began. Dream a Little Dream of Me by Dorris Day. "You should really rest, doll. I'm sure you're exhausted. Have you eaten today?" When he felt another shake of your head against his chest, he cupped your jaw to make you look up at him. "I'm gonna go grab you some water and somethin' to eat. You should get in bed, turn on a movie or somethin' and we can curl up together for the rest of the night. That sound alright, sweetheart?"
     "Yeah, that sounds okay," You mumble. "Thank you, Stevie. You always take such good care of me. I don't deserve you."
     "I don't wanna hear anything like that for the rest of the night, understand me? You deserve everything and more, honey." He dipped his head to press a soft kiss to your chapped lips. "Now get in bed. I'll be right back, then you and I are not getting out of that bed until tomorrow."

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