Don't You See What You Do To Me?

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Every week for as long as I can remember we've had dinner at one of our houses like a household on Sunday.

This Sunday, dinner was at Bucky's place and mom made some of her famous sweet yams... I'm ridiculously excited for this, if that's not evident.

"George!" mom greeted Mr. Barnes after he opened the door for us.

"Sarah, how's it going?" he asked, hugging her and taking the plate of yams from her hands as they walked together into the kitchen to keep talking.

"Stevie!" Rebecca ran up to me and grabbed onto my legs.

"Hold on there, Rik," I crouched down and got to her level. "Okay, I'm ready for my hug now!" I announced, hugging her as she jumped onto me full of happiness.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and smile seeing as I never get to enjoy having a sibling of my own.

I opened my eyes after a few seconds and caught Bucky smiling down at me with his hands in his pockets.

"Alright, Becca," he tapped her shoulder. "Don't choke him out, we still gotta eat, you know."

"Okay, okay," she backed up. "But I wanna sit next to him at dinner."

He looked at me and didn't say anything. "Fine," he reluctantly answered. "Go say hi to Miss Rogers, I'm sure she misses you, too."

She nodded and ran off.

"Hey, Buck," I greeted him, hugging him as if it was any other week previous.

I could tell that we both felt something different about it this go around, though. It was warmer and closer and less awkward. Ugh, and I never wanted to let go.

"How's today been?" he asked as we separated.

"Pretty good," I answered, catching him licking his lips almost on purpose.

"Dinner!" Mr. Barnes called.

Bucky motioned for me to follow him and we headed over to the dining room.

Mr. Barnes and mom were at the heads of the table with Rebecca next to me and Bucky across from the both of us. We said grace, as we always did, then proceeded to dig in.

This week, Mr. Barnes managed to get his hands on a chicken, and it was amazing. The yams were, too... and so was the salad Rebecca and Bucky said they made together.

The only thing I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around, however, was the fact that I couldn't pull my eyes off him. Surely no one else noticed, not even him at first, because they were all talking amongst themselves, but it was impossible to look anywhere else.

I got the idea that he was sucking on that damned spoon like that just to test me. Like another lesson: let's see if Steve can pick up on the clues I decide to make up in the moment that mean I want him just as bad as those other hints portray.

His eyes caught mine with the fork in his mouth and I looked down at it and he sucked on it more- why does my mind do this to me? And, why is he only making it worse on purpose? Hell, he knows that at this rate, I'll have a damned boner under my napkin by meal's end.

We all help with cleanup, even little Rebecca. Luckily, by that point, I had managed to pry my eyes off of him and focus solely on my plate so as to avoid the hard-on.

Mom finished the dishes with Mr. Barnes while Rebecca and Bucky and I finished putting away leftovers and whatever else was on the table that didn't need to be washed.

They slowly made their way into the living room, the radio sending Christmas tunes all throughout the house. Rebecca made her way in there to bug them and dance all around, but mom seemed to get on top of the furniture, too, to join her and have some fun.

"What the hell was that?" I asked him, shoving him playfully away from me.

"With the fork, you mean?"

"So it was on purpose, huh?" I proposed. "I see."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into him. "I see, too."

"What, exactly?"

"That you liked it, that it got you thinking an-"

"Yea," I admitted. "But everyone else was there."

"That's what makes it all the more thrilling, Stevie."

I blushed and tried not to smile at the nickname, so I looked down.

"What?" he asked, his fingers meeting my chin.

"I- I can't even look at you without my body reacting anymore; don't you see what you do to me?" I asked. "I have to look down to avoid it or they'll see."

"Why don't you look up instead?" he wondered. I looked up.



"Just kiss me, damn it."

I chuckled as he pulled my face up to his, placing his lips so perfectly upon mine.

He pulled back and smiled at me, but I pushed him back even more as the door opened.

"She really said that?" I asked, loudly. "That's-"

"No, I know," Bucky played along. "I couldn't believe it."

"Hi," Rebecca came over to me and tugged on my shirt sleeve. "Do... you wanna make a fire in the fireplace?"

"Sure thing, let's go," I answered, Bucky following close behind.

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