Chapter - 1

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In a world full of fantasies there was a Dragon with black magic, it obtained all the knowledge and wisdom and lived long enough to kill himself.

But one day a hero descended on the land saying that he is a messenger of God and came to destroy evil that roots in this land.

Believing everything the hero said the  people of that kingdom began to gather forces and killed people in name of justice and whatever.

One day ,rumors about people witnessing a dragon with black magic began to spread all over the kingdom and some people confirmed it's existence.

Taking this as a chance the hero formed a temporary group with some powerful people and went to kill the dragon.

In Front of the Dragon's den.

Hero - "Oh, evil beast come out and submit yourself Infront of me the god's messenger"


Hero - "Oh, arrogant beast show yourself "


Dragon - Why are there so many bugs around today ?

Hero - How arrogant.
"Everyone Prepare yourself for combat"

[ Just like that the hero killed the dragon, and the dragon didn't resisted to their attacks ]

In the Dragon's soul space.

Dragon - finally I'm dead, I thought I have to wait for few more centuries to die from rotten body.
Now I should wait for my rebirth.
I wish I can have a lazy life.

<" Is someone here ?"( Echos )
<" Where is this place ?"( Echos )

Dragon - ?, What is it now?
"Who are you ?"

<" Oh, where are you ?"
<" It's all dark did I go blind ?"

Dragon - a human soul?
*Uses magic to light up the space.

<"Oh there is light , I'm not blind"
<"Where are you mister?"

Dragon - mister?, Is he talking about me?
"Behind you"

*Turns back.
< ... "I must be dreaming right now"

[ After few hours roaming around ]

<"Why , why am I still here and most importantly why is a real dragon here"

Dragon - "Human, you are so noisy"

<*Sniff,sniff  "mom help me !".

Dragon - *annoyed.
"You brat can't you understand what I'm saying " *in deep dragon voice.
( You may ask how the dragon was talking before, it was telepathy)

< *Sits suddenly in fear.
"Mister Dragon, can you tell me where is this place"

Dragon - *sighs.
"It's my soul space, and from what I know you are already dead but your strong will kept your body alive while your soul is wandering."

< "... I already guessed that much."

Dragon - *looks.
"Do you wish to go back ?"

< "No, there is no one waiting for me there to go back."

Dragon - "Then why were you making such a fuss, a moment ago"

< "It's just seeing you(a dragon) made me think it was all a dream(some hallucinations) ... That's why"

Dragon - "why you haven't seen or heard of a dragon before?"

< "Of course not, after all it was all a fantasies and imaginations in our world"

Dragon - "your world?, Which world are you from?"

< "Me? , I'm from earth"

Dragon - "Earth!, No wonder you were acting like that after seeing me"

<"Why?,do you know about my world ?"

Dragon - "of course every godly being knows about Earth"

<"What do you mean?"

Dragon - "Every godly being has the rights and ability to conquer different worlds but ____ ( the creator of everything) ordered no one should interfere with Earth, he created if only for humans and humans are the everything in Earth"
"Am I right ?"

<"You are right ?"
"I never knew there was something like that".

Just like that both of them talked and shared their memories , thoughts everything.

To be continued...

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