A lane down the past ( Part 4)

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Author's POV

" Jungkook... please .. if you don't take him seriously.. then better leave him and let him be . He is such a sweet and fragile soul ." Boun said , done with Jungkook's shits.  " Hah ! Boun .. both me and you know what I am and how I am . When did I take anyone seriously? I like to play with people and break their hearts and use their bodies . I should say .. Jimin there has got a good booty.  Ahh ! I am waiting for the perfect time and the perfect place to fuck him. And —"

"—And the very next day , show up with another chick and ditch Jimin like a trash?" Boun said , through gritted teeth.  Jungkook shrugged ," You know me so well , Boun ! No wonder , whatever happened between us a year ago , still can't be forgotten by me . And you ?" Boun scrunched up his nose. " That was just one night.  We both were drunk , Kook !" Jungkook rolled his eyes . " Really looks like I care ? I had fun and maybe you did too . Just you won't admit it, Boun !" Boun was so done . But what could he do ?  Some people don't change .


" Ahh ! Hi , Jimin.  What's up ?" Tae said , hugging his bestie.  Jimin hugged him back. " I am okay . You?" Tae smiled.  " Good ! And what about your new brother? Is he good ? If he bullies you , you are gonna come and say it to me . I am gonna break his bones.  Got it?" Jimin nodded his head.  " Okay Tae ! I will . And yeah my brother is good . He is okay!"          

" I am only okay , Jiminah ?" Another voice spoke from behind Jimin.  They both turned around to look and saw Jungkook standing over there , having a smug expression on his face, with Boun beside him , having the same expression but a bit blank .

" Uhmm ... n-no ! Jungkook.  Y-you are the best brother of the world. " Jimin said , looking down , cheeks a bit red , as Jungkook had already moved from his place and snaked his hands around Jimin's waist, pulling him close .

" That's my baby ......... brother. " He rephrased as he saw Tae was there , who had a confused look on his face.  What type of brother in the name of hell behaves like that with his younger brother ? He's .... don't know what  . Tae thought. 

Boun , on the other hand, had a sympathetic look on his face . By what it looks , Jimin had fallen for Jungkook real hard . And as far as he could see , Jimin was giving his everything in this so called relationship they were having.  But Boun knew ... knew his best friend like an open book . He knew that , after Jungkook would get bored of Jimin, he would dump him , letting his poor heart shatter into millions of pieces.  Just like , he had shattered someone's heart some years ago .

But one thing that Boun has noticed is that..... Jungkook has grown overly possessive over Jimin.  Now you may say that maybe his brotherly instincts kicked in . But he knew that Jungkook dosen't give a fuck about any relations . He dosen't even know his father's own sister.  Jungkook dosen't respect any relations.  Not even his step brother or stepmom.  ( A/n : And every one knows that Jimin and Jungkook can't be brothers). Boun didn't know what was going on inside Jungkook's head , but... he knew Jungkook had changed a bit . Since Jimin came in , he has abandoned being rude and he has become possessive and protective over Jimin, which he did not get to see in case of any of his previous chicks.  Boun smiled.  Maybe ... maybe ... Jungkook was changing for good ? Even if  for the possibility of 1% , still maybe he was changing? Who knows maybe Jimin can change him? All Jungkook needs is love.  Jungkook got played many times.  When he was young , as in .. when he was approximately 15 , he had a boyfriend, Saif . Saif ... was a good one , or so he thought.  Saif cheated on Jungkook and when Boun got to know , he was very near to break his bones , but didn't. 
                 Then again , when Jungkook was 16 , the same thing happened and Joy cheated on him with another boy . This same thing , happened many times , till Jungkook gave up love and became a fuckboy and a playboy . He was tired . Tired of loving people and then getting cheated on . Its said that, every action of a person has a backstory to it. And this was the backstory of Jeon Jungkook. 

Who knows?
Maybe Jimin was the angel in disguise?
Someone who can make Jungkook 's heart beat again for a special person?

Him ?

But thing was ... did Jungkook himself want to change?


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