It was , is and always will be you .

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Author's POV

" Prem and Boun , meet us at our room in two minutes. " Mrs Park said , coming out of the south wing of the mansion and declaring and again going back inside .

Jungkook and Prem got startled.  Boun and Mr Jeon had already gotten up and started walking towards the said room . Boun walked passed Prem , but did not bother to look at him . This broke Prem's heart.  Jungkook felt bad , but all he could do , at the moment, was giving him a smile . Prem smiled back , but nevertheless he compiled , leaving Jungkook to stand there all alone .

Jimin loves me . But .... it's too late . Too late . What miracles can possibly take place that will get me my love ? Nothing.  I don't know what to do and what not to . For now ... I think I should .... go talk to min .

Jungkook decided to go see Jimin and so off he went. 


" Minnie ! Stop crying already !" Taehyung said , only to get sobs in return. 

From the moment , Jimin and him had come back to Jimin's room , Jimin had sat down on the floor , sliding down the wall and started crying. 

" Jimin... chimmy... listen to me .... Everything will be al—"

" W-what c-can b-be alright Tae ? Everything is finished.  No-nothing more is left . I-I c-can't ever h-have Jungkook again , Tae ."

Taehyung sighed and sat down on the floor , pulling the crying and shaking boy in his arms.  Jimin broke down even harder.  Taehyung started patting his back , drawing imaginary circles on his back . But they weren't helping in calming Jimin down .

" T-tae ... why did mom do something like this? W-why ? Not only me . She also b-broke apart Boun hyung and Prem.  B-Boun will h-hate me forever now , Taehyung. "

" No . No ! Minnie baby ! He won't hate you . You couldn't have done anything about this . You didn't ask your mom to get you married to Prem . She was the one who decided it . Not you ."

" B-But ... Tae ... I love Jungkook.  I...I love h-him Taehyung.  I c-can't l-love anyone w-who isn't him . It's hard . It's really hard to ."

" Jimin... who has asked you to love Prem ? See .. Prem can't love you too . He loves Boun . You can do something.  In fact , you BOTH can do something . You both remain labelled as a married couple, but see Jungkook and Boun behind the eyes of everyone. That'll be good . Don't you think?"

Jimin somehow had calmed down.  Taehyung's embrace and deep voice had calmed him down.  It was a calming thing since childhood.  Well SOULMATES. 

" But .. T-Taehyung .... what will the society say ?"

" FUCK THE SOCIETY JIMIN. Don't care what people have to say.  Don't listen to them . Why will you , when all they'll do is to discriminate you , judge you ?" Taehyung deadpanned. 

" B-but .. Tae ... I need to care . Prem , Boun , Jungkook... we all need to care about our public image.  We are all well known . W-we can't afford to g-get a b-black n-name. "

" But Ji—" Taehyung started , but was soon cut off by a knocking on the door .

" Who is it ?" Taehyung asked  .

" Its me . Jungkook.  Is Jimin in there ? I want to speak to him ." The known voice spoke from behind the wooden door.

Jimin heard the extremely beautiful voice and he looked at Taehyung. 

" I can't f-face him . Tae ."

" You need to . Confess . Don't be a coward today Jimin.  Who knows . Maybe you won't get any more chances to be this close to Jungkook? To hold him tight ? It's now or never, Jimin. " Taehyung tried to boost him up .

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