Count down

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Jungkook's POV

9 days to go.....

I can't take it anymore.  Today I saw Jimin , Taehyung and mom going out for Jimin's wedding suit.  Jimin did not want to go though.  They dragged him there . Jimin did not talk to me . Hell ! He has been ignoring me since yesterday.  I crave for him .... I want his attention.  Whenever I see him , he is with Prem , talking with him , but not smiling.... okay . Maybe giving him stuff smiles in intervals.  I understand baby . You miss me . I do too . I want to hold you too.  I want to kiss you . I want to hug you . But ..... I am afraid we can't. 


8 days to go .....

I saw Jimin crying today . It was so heartbreaking.  But when I went deeper into the matter , I got to know that he was crying over some idiotic emotional love film.  It wasn't for me . Haha . It's okay.  Guess he is getting to forget me . That's g-good only r-right ? He'll forget me . Learn to love someone else and remain happy.  Remain happy, minnie . Remain happy.  Just know... that your Kookie will always be there for you .


7 days to go .....

Hey ! I just realized, that Jimin is getting married to P-Prem on 1st September.  I week to his special day . I week for my birthday.  I'm getting the best birthday gift ever . My most precious person in the whole world is getting married and devoted . To someone who isn't me . Yay ! What can be a better gift than this ? I am so excited.  So ... so ... e-excited .


6 days to go.....

Why is the world so cruel? I love Jimin.  I love Jimin.  He is mine . He can't be anyone else's.  Noone has the fucking right to touch him or kiss him and slipping the wedding ring ? Out of question.  I hate mom and dad . But see how contradictory the world is ? I love Jimin and I know he loves me too . But ... here he is getting married to someone who isn't me in 6 days . I hate this fucking world.  So . So . Much . I hate everything which is responsible for pulling me and my Jimin away from each other . And I hate myself too . Because I am the one who fucked things up at the beginning.  Jimin wanted to give me his love . But .... me .... abused him and used him . They say , Karma slaps hard on the face . And I am a walking example of that. 


5 days to go .....

Today Boun and me and dad went out for buying a suit for me . Why ? Why do I need a suit ? Are you kidding me ? What fucking reasons are there behind me needing a new suit ? Well , fuck it.  I don't know and don't wanna know either.


4 days to go.....

FUCKING 4 DAYS ARE LEFT . What will I do now? I feel a certain obsession over Jimin.  I saw Prem and Jimin feeding each other strawberries in the morning.  Jimin was on Prem's lap and do you know ? PREM FUCKING HAD HIS HANDS WRAPPED AROUND MY BABY'S WAIST . I SWEAR I AM GONNA KILL HIM ONE DAY . HOW DARE HE ? But one thing that I noticed which made relief wash over me , was that , though Jimin was smiling with Prem while feeding him strawberries, his eyes were not reflecting any emotions.  Those beautiful orbs were empty.  Held nothing.  And you know what the son of a bitch , Boun was doing ? Instead of getting jealous over them like me , he was clapping his hands and cheering at  them . He even called them BEST COUPLE OF THE YEAR . Jimin too looked confusedly at Boun.  I know what he was thinking.  Boun was supposed to sulk and be sad like me . But he was happy for them . His eyes did not have any sadness.  As if , his love is not getting married to Jimin in 4 days .
And here I am .... sulking, sitting on the chair opposite of them and glaring at Prem .


3 days to go.....

I can't anymore.  I love Jimin.  I need him . I want him . It's getting impossible for me to live without him . Why .. The fuck did I say him to not love me anymore that day ? Like.... WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH ME ? I r-regret ... I regret . Again . I am the one .. ALWAYS to regret everything.  I am so sorry . Now I realize how much wrong I was that day . I should've held him tighter and kissed him and felt him , rather than speaking dustbin to him . I am so sorry Jimin.  I can't take it anymore.  I need you baby . Don't get married.  Come back to me . Please ..come b-back .


2 days to go.....

2 DAYS ONLY ? What will I do ? 😭😭
Today you know , Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung made an announcement.  They are getting married , the next year , 1st January.  I am so happy for them . At last their love is gonna bloom , and get displayed in front of the world. What can be better than this ? Nothing I guess . Oh ! Yeah . Yesterday night, Yoongi hyung confessed to Taemin hyung . Like... that was so cute . I melted . They were so happy . During the confession , Jimin and mine eyes met . I feel you baby . Come back .


1 d-day.....

Tomorrow is the day . I can't take it anymore.  It's suffocating without Jimin.  I feel like its choking me . Jimin.  I can't stay without him . It is driving me crazy.  I can't have him in my arms.  Can't get his warmth . Can't kiss his head . Can't ruffle his hair . All these are done by fucking Prem  . WHO IS HE TO TOUCH WHAT'S MINE? I'LL KILL HIM WITH MY BARE HANDS . I SWEAR I WILL. BITCH . And do you know what is I get from Min ? All I get is half lidded eyes, filled with sadness and pain. I don't give a damn . Marry me , Jimin.  Don't marry him . Come back to me . You can't marry him . All you need is me and not him. No ! Love me again . You CAN'T marry him.  You love me . You can't marry him . You c-can't. 


1st September.....

" Jungkook ah ! You can't. " Hobi hyung said me. 

" I can and I need to . I need to go meet Jimin.  I need to ." I say .

" Jungko—" He started , but I was running off already .


Hiii ! So ... the next chapter is gonna be interesting.  Wait up..

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