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Mystery Girl's pov

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Mystery Girl's pov

It was morning and for the first time in my life, I was standing still. I wasn't moving. I wasn't in any hurry to be some place else. I was inhaling oxygen meant for angels and my mind was clear. Unclouded. I could take a deep breath and savour my present. I deserved this much at least.

I leaned back against the stone bench, throwing my hair back and letting the sun catch my cheeks, my neck. The wind caressed my face, and I remembered his kisses on my lips, my neck, my shoulder, my collarbone.

I shivered.

I want to worship you. He had whispered, and worship me he did.

I closed my eyes and remembered.

I still remembered everything. Silver grey eyes like smokey stardusts and liquid sparkles, intense and aching and punching me in the guts every time I looked at him. His arms were the strongest, most passionate arms I'd ever known and he touched my body like he knew exactly what I wanted. Like he wanted to learn and memorize every curve, every dip, every edge.

It had been a beautiful night. I wouldn't change single thing about last night. Every life altering sequence, every mistake, misfortune and indecision had led me back to him, back to last night. The best night I ever had.

But fairy tales are not forever and all good things must come to an end.

He didn't look at me like I was a charity case. He looked at me and understood that I didn't want his help. That I had grown up with nothing and didn't hate it. Like I was his equal...

And that was the lie. His heart took a sweet lie over a blatant truth. I was just a desperate, ambitious lagos girl, looking for the next big opportunity. And I was one step. One more step closer to my dream... So why am I stopping? Why do I want to go back and retrace my steps and go back to him?

Can we be friends? He had asked this morning. Please, give me your number. This doesn't have to end. I want to know you.

Please. Please. Please. His gaze had been heavy with emotion. Desperate and hungry and actually believing his words, biting into the lies that were coming from his mouth, tasting it and finding it sweet and thinking it tasted like truth.

But he was deluded of course, blinded by the magic of the night before. He wouldn't want to know scum like me.

And I didn't know how to tell him that he was mistaken. That I was an abandoned garden, a dying wish, scathing liquor. The epitome of his biggest mistake.

So, when he offered me his hand and a promise of forever, I took his wallet and diamond wristwatch instead.

I didn't know. I didn't know how to tell him that I had fallen to pieces and into his heart and I was a fucked up disaster that only wanted his money in the first place.

I looked at the wallet in my hand, stuffed filled with more cash than I've ever seen in a single moment in all my life, and at my life in retrospect and wondered why I took it in the first place. I felt bad now, but I couldn't go back. The only way was forward. I could use it to go back to school. I could give it to mum to settle some of her debts. She would definitely question where I got the money from and probably reject it because she was stubborn but I had to try.

I felt bad for him but I tried to convince myself that he didn't mind. He was rich, his father could always refund the money.

I shook my head. Groaned. This is an all time low, even for you. I chided myself.

There was an unidentifiable ache in my chest and I struggled to ignore it. My fists were full of stolen memories of last night. Memories I wasn't ready to let go of, memories that were escaping out of my tight grasp. And in my pockets were dreams of my childhood. Dreams that reality was shaking out of me and I was losing my grip on who i was, what i want, where I was heading and I just didn't know where where where to go from here.

Amir. His first name melted like icy frost on my tongue. And I prayed to God we meet again. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year. I prayed that our paths will cross once more.

I'd not prayed to God in over six years.

Just this once, I whispered, answer me just this once.

So, I'll hold on to his wristwatch and his fingerprints on my soul, until that time comes.

Corey was calling me again. I sighed, rolled my eyes and decided to end the charade, going on between us. He's my friend and I miss him.

The moment I picked the call, I heard his calm voice. "Natasha Omachi Ohamara?"

I rolled my eyes again. Groaned. "Yeah?"

"You answered."

"I know."

"You didn't come back last night."

"When did you turn into my babysitter?"

He was silent for a few seconds. "Come back home. Please. I'm sorry. I miss you."

I closed my eyes, sighed loudly. "I'm coming."

And I found out, after seven years, He does.

God does answer prayers.


Alleluia, it's finally over and I dnt kno why I'm crying 😭😭

Sandcastles In The Stars is like the entire foundation for Amir's lovestory. Amir's lovestory will be starring a heartbroken/troubled popstar and a starry eyed/ambitious strip club perfomer. These ppl won't be kids anymore. They'd definitely change a bit over the course of the years, their thinking, actions, allat will be more mature, so bear that in mind.

Definitely definitely definitely going to be for more mature audiences.

How old are you? Drop your age in the comment box and if u're less than seventeen/eighteen, I'll chase you away when the time comes. I'm serious 😑 make e no be like say na me spoil pesin pikin.

Keep those ship names ready, kids. These two will have one heck of a ride.

I can't thank you enough for even starting this journey with me. I say this a lot and I mean it every time. Ty, God bless you❤️

 Ty, God bless you❤️

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