Chapter 4. Iris

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That girl was like, SO MAD. It was hilarious. They actually gave her free food. Like, how pathetic. They are still trying to find out who it is because the nerd isn't gonna tell. I gave her a long talk if she does, and she was scared. Finally, she couldn't hold it in. She told her teacher, and principal announced it over the speaker.

After that, me and the nerd met in the office, and principal said I get a week of detention and I have to join the homework club. The homework club is an after school thing where you have to do homework with your other classmates in the club. If you have no kids from your class, you work with your teacher. You can sign up for the club, or your teacher can sign you up if your teacher thinks you need help.

Well me and the nerd are in the same class apparently. Who new? It turns out her name is Mackenzie. She is mean beyond mean. Principal told us we had to work with each other for homework. We have to or we get suspended. I think that is so stupid because we just don't work together for one thing, were suspended. MY GOD.


I arrived home with a mean mom, and a suspension paper. Yup. You guessed it. I didn't work with Mack The Nerd and I got suspended. That's just another freakin' day in my life. Get used to it.

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