The Letter- One-shot

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You would almost always find her in the balcony of her room, sitting with a pen in her hands and a few sheets in front of her small table, sipping tea or writing something, mostly letters or having tea with her best friend or cousin or simply gazing at the skies with a thoughtful expression on her face, her sparkling golden locks fluttering with the gentle breeze, which somehow strangely always accompanied her- an image that's worthy of being painted according to her 'best friend', although he would never say that to her face.

Her parents were career-minded people. She rarely saw them except at occasional dinners and social outings that she detested. Yet, being a filial child she never complained despite longing for her parent's love and affection. To outsiders she was a source of envy- intelligent, rich, beautiful, talented and top it off she had influential parents. But those who knew her understood that her cheerful demeanour and unwavering smile were just facades to hide her deep anguish and loneliness... after all in the end, despite her 'perfection', she was just a little girl who yearned for her parents affection and hoped to at least get a text on her birthday from them...but they probably never even remembered it...

She had a hobby of writing letters- she wrote them mainly to her parents hoping they would one day open them and see...

A hope not in vain as it would come to be seen...

And occasionally she also wrote letters to the others namely, her nanny who is a motherly figure for her, favourite maids, father's best and only friend-cum-assistant (something like a foster father for her), her best-friend and beloved cousin.

Her best friend always questioned her hobby, as he could never understand why she'd like something as tedious as writing letters, especially in an age of convenience where everything is just one touch away... she'd simply smile and reply that in her opinion letters last forever, especially in the hearts of the one's who receives them..And she'd add in an undertone and a wistful expression that gets past him, "They're undying... unlike me... so I hope I can live up to my name at least through these letters". Her friend, although puzzled as to what she said, shrugs it off and scoffs at her... A fatal mistake as he'd learn in times to come...And although he would never admit it to her, he actually looks forward to getting her letters as it makes him feel like he's someone special for her.

Presently her Aunt Penelope holds one of her letter in her hand surrounded by the entire family and her best friend since this letter was addressed to all of them...In fact it's the latest letter she wrote to them and soon will be the first letter that her parents will reading, or rather, listening to...Ironically enough this is her very last letter...


To all my dear and near,

I know this is kind of sudden for all of you...and forgive me for not addressing all of you individually...this was more convenient so I hope you all understand...I can almost see you scoffing Lucas...How I wish I could come and punch your pretty face!!!

'Then do it you ugly princess, it was better than this'

I assume that this is being read out loud and the one reading this is Aunt Penny?

Penelope gave a wry smile in 'reply' to that statement

You guys are reading this means that this is my very last letter...I'm really sorry, especially to Lily ,Lucas, Nette and Felix because I lied to you guys that I'm fine when you questioned me on my deteriorating health...truth is I knew from the beginning that I didn't have much time left and if I told the truth to you guys, I probably wouldn't have been able to spend my last days happily and I would probably be cooped up in my room...I didn't want that, so I deliberately lied...I'm sorry...

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