Chapter 8

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Leon's POV

(Y/n) was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up because she looked really tired right now, so I didn't wake her up, but I just know (Y/n) has to get up, so I shake her a bit to get her to wake up.  (Y/n) was still sleeping but she started to groan a bit before I started to see her (e/c) eyes started to opened, I lean in close to her face to see her looking at me, "Leon...?" (Y/n) asked me.  I nod my head at her before hearing her, "Is Ashley here?" (Y/n) asked me, "No, not yet (Y/n) but I think it's best to get up and started looking around this area a bit." I said to to (Y/n).  (Y/n) nod her head to me and we started walking around this area.

(Y/n) started to yawn and she was stretching her arms and legs before she started to walking towards to me, we looked at each other before we hear a door being open and we hear a familiar voice that we recognize, "Leon! (Y/n)!" Ashley yelled our names in a happy tone.  We looked at the voice we heard and it was Ashley that yelled our names, "Ashley!" We both yelled at her name, we started running towards to Ashley.  (Y/n) stop running when Ashley was near us, Ashley came by and hug us, we hug back as well but before I told her, "You did good." I said to Ashley.  Ashley tried to apologize to me but I told her, "Don't worry about it. Come on, let's move on." I told Ashley with a smile on my face.

(Y/n) was smiling as well, before we could go anywhere, we hear our communicator go off and me and (Y/n) looked at each other before we sign in annoyed tone, we picked up the radio and of course it had to be Salazar on the other end of the line, "Aw... what a touching moment we have here." Salazar said to us. (Y/n) grabbed the radio from hand and started talking to Salazar, "All spoiled thanks to your interruption." (Y/n) said to Salazar. I decided to say something as well, "Why don't you do us all a favor and leave before the audience gets pissed off?" I said to Salazar with a serious tone. Salazar chuckle at this before he started talking to us, "You're nothing but an extra in my script so don't get too carried away. Your biggest scene is over. So do us all a favor bring me Ashley and the princess to me and your death will be pain less." Salazar said to me

(Y/n) looked at me before she grabbed my other hand that was down, I hold her hand as well but of course I was getting upset really quick because they won't leave (Y/n) alone at all. (Y/n) was getting pissed at this to before she started yelling at Salazar, "No way in hell that you are having me and Ashley, you ugly ass bastards!" (Y/n) yelled at Salazar. Salazar just laugh at this before he started talking to her, "Oh princess still not remembering of who you are?" Salazar asked (Y/n). (Y/n) was so closed to breaking the radio but she didn't want to break because Hunnigan might called us again, so (Y/n) didn't break it, but I just know she had a pissed off face already. I decided to say something to Salazar, "None of us don't remember being a part of your crappy script." I told Salazar.

Salazar just had a smile on his face before telling us, "Well then, why don't you two show me what a first-class script is like; through your own actions." Salazar said that to us. The radio was now off, so I put away my radio and we started walking towards a door, I opened the door and we see some torches that are light up, but there was no way to across to the other door that was straight forward, the three of us were walking to this room, but of course there has to be a small platform for only one person could get on, so I walk towards it and I turned around to tell the girls, "You two wait here." I said to them. (Y/n) looked at me before she gave me extra ammo, "Here, I think you might it need more then I do, besides I had lot on me, so I thought you might need it for whatever is on the other side of that room." (Y/n) said to me with a little smile on her face before having a worry face as well.

I turned around to face (Y/n) now, "Thanks (Y/n), you and Ashley stay safe out there, I promise to be back." I said to (Y/n). (Y/n) gave me a smile before coming up to me before giving me a kiss on my cheek, I smiled at this before the platform started to move to the other side of the room. I got off of it and I started walking towards the door and I opened it.

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