1 year Later

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1 year later

(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a year since when we had to save Ashley, but at that same year we had a mission to do, but we also ran into Claire that we haven't seen in 7 years, but I got her email when this mission happened, let's just say that we got the bad guy and me, Claire and Leon had to part ways again for next time that we have to see each other again.

Leon was taking me somewhere, so I didn't say anything to him, but this place looked so beautiful that I couldn't describe it, but I do know that Leon was acting strange but I didn't say anything because something could go wrong. Me and Leon we were walking around to this area that I was looking at the beautiful sunset but I heard Leon's voice was calling my name, "(Y/n), can you please turned around I got something to show you." Leon told me.  I turned around to see Leon had one knee down and he had a box opened to see a beautiful ring in there.

  I turned around to see Leon had one knee down and he had a box opened to see a beautiful ring in there

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(I thought this was good ring that I could find for the reader.)

Leon started talking to me, "(Y/n), you make me laugh when we are doing our missions, but also you have a loyalty heart and there is something I have to ask you now." Leon said to me. I started to nod my head towards to Leon, before Leon started talking to me, "(Y/n) will you marry me?" Leon asked me. I looked at Leon with a smile on my face before telling him a 'yes' to him. Leon was happy that he came by me and gave me a kiss on my lips, I kiss back at him.

Leon was happy as I was, but we were thinking about getting married next week because we didn't want to wait any longer now, so we plan it.

1 week later

Me and Leon got ready for this day and I was really happy that I was going to get married to a handsome man that I have been happy for seven years already, but I was just so excited that we can start our next journey together. Once I was finished with this white dress that I have to wear, but I didn't say anything because it was a special day for me and Leon, so I didn't say anything at all. I was ready to walk in there to get ready for this day.

I started to get the flowers in my hand and I started walking towards to the door and I opened it to see my handsome man that I fall in love with, I was smiling at this before I started walking towards to him. Leon was looking good in a tuxedo that I didn't say anything, I just kept smiling and walking towards to Leon. Once I made it closed to Leon, I put the flowers down to looked at Leon before the Priest started talking to us, "Mr. Kennedy would you like to take Ms. (L/n) as your bride?" The priest asked Leon.

Leon looked at me before telling the both of us, "I do." Leon said to us. I smiled at this before the priest started to asked me the same thing as well, "And Ms. (L/n) would you like to take Mr. Kennedy as your husband?" The priest asked me. I looked at Leon with a smile on my face before telling him, "I do." I said to them.

The priest looked at us before telling us, "You may kiss the bride." The priest told us. Leon pick up the veil away from face before we started to lean in close to each other and kiss each other in kiss, it felt so nice, but I noticed someone was looking at us in the corner at the top but once I looked closely I see it was Ada that was giving us a smile. I smiled back at her before me and Leon pulled away from each other. Leon was holding me closed to him and I felt so warm to be next to him now.

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