Golden Friends

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Friday Night:


Mild: Let's have a fivesome.

Bright: I'm in.

Gulf: Me too.

Tan: Can't wait.

Mild: @Jin We're waiting for your confirmation so that we start preparing for the night.

Jin: Guuyys noooo🤦🏻‍♂️

Bright: Why what's wrong?

Jin: Katy saw your messages now she thinks I'm gay.

Tan: Wait, are you not?

Jin: You're not helping.

Mild: Everyone is gay once in a while.

Gulf: True it depends on which gay you're going for.

Jin: She wants to see these text please write something nice so I can show her.

Tan: Your marriage is so gay.

Jin: That's not something nice.

Mild: Bring your ass over here.

Jin: Seriously why haven't we changed our group name.

Jin: Give me thirty minutes for damage control.

Bright: Don't control anything just come.

Jin: I'm a married man.

Bright: So am I.

Jin: I have to make sure she's ok.

Tan: You'll just make it worse. Listen and just come.

Jin: She won't let me leave.

Jin: Oh her phone is ringing.

Jin: I've escaped.

Jin: Whew am I even coming back tonight? I wonder.

Thirty minutes later. In a bar.

Jin: "I have a proposition."

Gulf: "Let's hear it."

Bright: "I'll deliberate."

Jin: "Mr speaker sir I propose the Group name to be changed."

Bright: "give us five reasons for your proposition."

Jin: "Well Mr Speaker the thing is my beloved wife of not so many years saw some messages from one of my friends asking for a fivesome instead of a simple meeting request."

Bright: "That makes sense."

Tan: "Your honor, our name is what brought us together."

Bright: "points for using your honor,"

Gulf: "it's one zero already. (To Jin) "You should flatter the deliberator with law terminology, the guy is a lawyer."

Jin: (To Tan) "That is not true." (To Gulf) "Do you have any reasonable contribution at all?"

Gulf: "I like the name."

Mild: (not paying attention) "Me too."

Bright: Well, you're outnumbered. You lose. Case closed.

Mild: (to Bright) "I wish that's how you solve cases in court."

Bright: "Right."

Tan: "it would so much easy."

Jin: (bringing out his phone vibrating in his pocket) "Katy is calling me."

Tan: (excited for drama) "Loudspeaker please."

Jin: (puts it on loudspeaker, nervous) "Yes Katy,"

Katy: (voice genuine and sweet) "hey babe I just wanted to say I'm sorry for throwing a fit and accusing you of being gay."

Jin: (confused) "What?"

Katy: "That was uncalled for. I'm sorry."

Jin: "Wait are you for real?"

Katy: "Have fun with your friends and come back soon. Don't drink too much. I love you."

Jin: (putting his phone back in his pocket, so confused) "What in the world just happened? Does she have DID or something?"

Mild: (sitting up) "Well the thing is-

Tan: (sees what's happening, interrupting Mild) "I called her."

Mild: "Hey!!!! I was about to say the same."

Gulf: (raises his hand) "Me too."

Bright: "I called her too."

Jin: "What did you say?"

Tan: "I said we only need your back. The dick is safe."

Jin: "Be serious douche."

Mild: "well, I said you're the pitcher not the catcher."

Jin: "You know what? Forget it."

Bright: "Does it matter what we said?"

Gulf: "Just know we said good things."

Jin: (touched, tearing up, disguising it with drinking) "You guys are gold."

Tan: "I know."

Jin: (trying to divert the attention) "So why are we gathered here?"

Gulf: "I have a predicament."

Tan: "of course you do"

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