Chapter 2: First day of school

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Y/N was getting ready for school but then suddenly Y/N heard growling, Y/N turned around to see P/N
Sitting there in front of his bowl "Oh, I'm sorry P/N I forgot to give you food, here" Y/N said while P/N was eating
Y/N was just waiting for 5:15 Y/N wanted to be a little early for school "You got to eat a little faster there buddy"
Y/N said to P/N, after P/N was done Y/N was starting to run towards the school with P/N
When they got there they saw blue haired boy he came up to me and said "HELLO FELLOW STUDENT, MY NAME IS LIDA TENYA I AM VERY GLAD TO MEET YOU!" He shouted "Oh uhh... Hello lida nice to meet you my name is Y/N"
Y/N said awkwardly.


After a few more people came in and then I saw her, TSUYU the girl I met in the exam she came up to me and said
"Hey Y/N, Glad you made it, kero" as you suspected she had a frog quirk you knew cause of the way she talks and the way she jumps "Thanks you I'm also glad you made it! It's such a coincidence that we got the same class, right?!?!?"
Y/N said she nodded she then sat beside you, Y/N didn't know why but he had a little tingling feeling inside of him
It was strange for Y/N that had never felt like that only now, but right as Y/N was about to daydream
A guy that has black hair and looks very tired, I thought that he was just someone who was checking if everyone was there, but I think I thought too soon "Hi I'm Aizawa, you're homeroom teacher get in you're PE uniforms then meet me outside" he said in a tired voice, I got into my PE uniform and started to head out when I went outside stood there
Waiting for the others, after a little while we were all there Mr. Aizawa called up a guy who has spiky hair and is always mad, his name was Bakugo, Mr.Aizawa said for him to throw the ball as far as he can, he threw it really far
But Y/N didn't hear what Mr. Aizawa said because Y/N was daydreaming Y/N finally snapped out of it when Y/N heard Bakugo shout "DIE" I jumped a little because of the shout, then Mr Aizawa said that Bakugo throw was...
600-700!?!?! Y/N was shocked he even coughed about how far Bakugo got, "WOW THAT LOOKS REALLY FUN
CANT WAIT TO HAVE SOME FUN!" Said the girl with brown hair "YEAH!" Almost all of us said "heh, fun you say well then the person in last be expelled from school" Mr.Aizawa said, everyone looked really shocked "Hey! That's not fair"
Brown girl said "well life's not fair kid deal with it" we all sighed and got ready for the other challenge the next challenge was about testing speedA few of Y/N classmates went before and then it was you and Lida Y/N bit his tounge to get some blood out of then touched the blood "3...2...1...Go!" Mr.Aizawa as Lida activated his he ran really fast Y/N eyes widen of how fast he was But then Y/N concentrated really hard then Y/N teleports right to the finish line right as Lida was about to go in, Lida was surprised and so were the others Y/N looked at Mr. Aizawa and asked "Is that fair play?"
Y/N said scratching the back of his neck Mr. Aizawa made a gesture that said don't know, after a lot more challenges
Sadly green haired boy was last his name was Deku Y/N felt bad for him but then Mr.Aizawa said it was a joke when
He said the he would expel the person in last we all sighed in relief except Bakugo he was mad for some reason
After that we ate because it was lunch Y/N sat down and started to eat then Deku, Lida, Tsu and brown haired girl, they asked Y/N if they could eat with Y/N, Y/N being a good guy Y/N nodded and let them eat with Y/N, Lida and Deku sat beside each other while Y/N, Tsu and brown haired girl, Y/N started feel a tingling feeling again when Tsu sat beside
Y/N "What is this feeling? I feel like there's something wrong whenever I look at Tsu I feel... weird"while I was thinking
Tsu tapped on my shoulder "Hey,are you okay? Ribbit" Y/N nodded as he jumped a little blushing slightly, they continued to talk while Y/N was thinking about Tsu while he ate Y/N snapped out of it when he heard the bell
Throughout all the classes he started to look at Tsu, but on one of the classes he was caught and got all red and just looked at the teacher like nothing happened, after school Y/N wanted to run to his apartment but turns out Y/N wasn't
Running to fast because Tsu caught up to him "Hey Y/N! I wanted ask you something" Y/N was getting a bit sweaty
"U-um s-sure?" Y/N shakily said "Why were staring at me earlier?" She said as she put her her finger on the side of her lip "Damn she looks cute when she does that, wait! What did I think of right there!?!?!" Y/N thought "Uhh... are you going to answer me? Ribbit" she said "Uhm... N-nothing I just w-was bored and I-I looked at all the students in the c-class?" Y/N said nervously she answered with a giggle and she thanked me for answering her question and hopped her way home, Y/N on the other hand was running his way home and thinking about Tsu.


A/N wow 1051 words I'm a proud writer I thought I was only up until 500 anyways bye!

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