Double date

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The next morning Anna was up before Jeena.But By the time Anna was awoke, Jeena's parents had already left for work .Like every other teen ,the first thing Anna did was checked her messages.

"Shittt!" She blurted.

Jeena was awakened by Anna's loud outburts .Anna had totally forgotten to tell her mom that she was sleeping at Jeena's house.

"Twenty one missed calls!!!"

"Ugh And a headache." Jeena exhaustedly rose from the bed having a squeamish look in her eyes.

"Jeena Im literally dead!!"

"Yeah?Well I'm dying right now." Because of Jeena's hangover she was unable to even open her eyes.

"I'll call you if I make it out alive ."Anna said.
"Oh and cook some chicken noodle soup,it'll cure your hangover..bye!"

Jeena gestured a wave at Anna as Anna rushed through the room door.

"There was something Anna was telling me last night but I can't remember what exactly she was saying..oh God I have to get that soup ."

Jeena sat on the edge of her bed trying to remember what happened the night but she was just too drunk to remember.she then went to make the soup Anna suggested she had.

____________________________that afternoon__________________________

Jeena was working at her mother's restaurant for the summer so she mostly spent the days there. She was doing her morning shift .She couldn't wait till lunch because she really wanted some more soup to keep her up. It was soon time for lunch though and as jeena desperatly watched the clock she was frightened by a familiar voice.

"Jeena!! Babe how are you?"

It was Daniel.Jeena ran and jumped in his arms giving him a nice hug and a kiss on his lips. Not much people were in the restaurant, but the few that were there did not stop looking at them.They didnt have a care in the world though because everyone was used to them this way.

"Danny and I was just going to grab lunch. You coming?"

"I'm literally dying ,you know what I'm just gonna go now."

Jeena left the restaurant and Danny drove them to a pizzeria down the road.Jeena ordered soup at a nearby restaurant while the boys ordered the  pizza.While Jeena was buying the soup she got a call from Anna.

" I'm at the restaurant.where are you ?"
"I'm on lunch at sweet soups , Danny and Daniel are at the pizzeria,you should join us. "

When Anna heard Danny's name she became so nervous that she started to stutter .

"Oh okay I'll be there."

"Anna your stuttering,is there anything you want to tell me?"

"No Jeena,I'll be there in a minute okay."

Danny is going to be there ..what am I going to do
Should I even go ..brave up Anna this isn't new to you
Besides does he even have feelings? I have feelings?
Ughh what is wrong with me?

While Anna was walking to the pizzeria a hand unexpectedly touched her on the shoulders.when she turned around her worst nightmare stood in front her. She turned around and continued walking but then he grabbed her hand.

"J-" Jake cut her off before she finished.


This went on for a while.

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