Your Arrival

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Turning back, you watched as the Earl walked past you, bringing his slender hand up to rub his temple in obvious annoyance. You'd frowned slightly; sure, he'd shown great generosity towards you just now, but you knew these coins would get you a meal or two, maybe even a warm coat if you were lucky, but it wouldn't provide you the safety and comfort a home would.

You were still watching the pair, enamoured by their elegance as they walked away. You couldn't stop thinking about that butler. Who was he? No, what was he, actually? There was a sense of familiarity that washed over you as you stared into those shocking eyes, but no matter how hard you strained your mind to figure out what it was about him you seemed to recognize, you couldn't come up with anything. Almost as if he knew you were thinking about him, the handsome man turned his head to look at you again, smiling as he saw you were staring at him. Heat immediately traveled up your face, turning it beat red. You saw his shoulders bounce slightly and his mouth part lightly as he let out a chuckle, then winked as he turned back towards his master. Everything about him made your heart flutter with infatuation.

Not only did you want to talk to the butler, you decided you had to thank the Earl for the coins— you didn't feel you deserved the kindness shown by him in the first place, and you'd been taught growing up to mind your manners. With that final thought, your mind was made. You were going to chase them down to at least thank them, and hopefully, you'll get a chance to talk to the butler.

Without any further hesitation, you stood up and broke into a brisk walk in the direction the two had went, watching the sidewalks for patches of ice you needed to avoid. Before you knew it, they were within your sights again. You got a little excited and stopped walking, replacing it with a light jog instead, "Excuse me! Sir, I just wanted to thank you for your kindne— WOAH!" You were too busy trying to catch up to the strange duo to notice the large patch of ice in front of you and fell, yet again, onto the ground. This caught their attention, much to your dismay. The butler rushed over to help you up though, much to your excitement.

The blue haired Earl just stood there, watching you with that same angry expression— or was that just his resting face? He definitely seemed to be the crabby type, despite his young age.

"Why the bloody hell do you feel the need to follow us? You're making nothing but a fool of yourself," the little bra- or Earl barked out, clearly losing whatever patience he had with you to begin with. His words actually stung, you have nothing but good intentions and here he is, degrading you just because he feels like it.

"Excuse me, but I'm simply trying to thank you for the coins, Earl. Why do you feel the need to be such an arse, where are your parents anyways?" You snapped, this little punk may be rich, but you wouldn't let him treat you like dirt— you'd endured enough of that in your life. Though the insult felt good when you said it, it seemed to have offended the kid quite a bit. His eyes narrowed at you and his mouth turned from a frown to scowl. He clenched his fists and took a step towards you, it looked as if he was getting ready to slap you. Closing your eyes, you simply braced for impact— scenes of previous caretakers flashing through your mind. You seemed to always get on people's nerves, even if you didn't mean to.

You opened your eyes after a moment, questioning why you didn't feel the familiar sting of a slap as you had many times before, only to see the butler grasping the young boy's wrist and frowning at him.

"Young master, it is inappropriate to hit a lady, no matter the circumstances. I simply cannot allow you to act out in such a manner, in public nonetheless." He chastised the boy, the slight frown still tugging at his perfect lips. He looked to you and dropped down on one knee with a hand placed above his heart, "I'm terribly sorry about my master's actions, he can be quite prideful at times and acts irrationally if met by someone who threatens his pride." He held his free hand out and grabbed your petite hand, holding it as if it would break if he wasn't careful. Bringing your hand to his lips, you blushed deeply upon feeling them press softly into your knuckle. This butler really was a charmer, wasn't he?

"Uh, thank you... butler? You really didn't need to stop him, I'm tougher than I look," You giggled nervously and turned your attention to the boy, who'd composed himself while you were distracted by the servant in front of you, "and as for you, my lord, I'm terribly sorry for running into you and making such a fool of myself. I simply wished to learn your name, in the rare case we were to meet again." You managed to choke out the apology, trying your best to not come across rude.

The boy seemed to accept the apology, sending a triumphant smirk in your direction.

"Very well then, seeing how I acted childish I suppose I'll give you my name in return. I'm Ciel Phantomhive, and this," he gestured towards Sebastian, who was now standing behind him, "is my butler Sebastian." Sebastian bowed, giving you a handsome smile once he was close to eye level with you. God, he was so handsome— and he knew it too, judging by the way he carries himself.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm (YN)(LN), your local street rat, and this," You dramatically flung your arms out all around you, "is my home. You're lucky I take kindly to guests." You chuckled and winked. Ciel gave you a blank look but managed to raise his eyebrow questionably at you, his butler seemed to take more kindly to the joke, letting out a soft chuckle into his fist. Sebastian was becoming more likeable by the second.

"Well then, I suppose my master and I must be going soon, we'd hate to impose on you any longer." Sebastian cooed, you bit down the flirty response you longed to give him. Ciel didn't look impressed with his butler, but agreed to go— he most likely didn't wish to be seen engaging with you any longer; you were homeless after all.

Just as they turned to leave, you decided to call out to them one last time, "You know, I plan on moving to a more private place eventually! I just need a job is all," You began to laugh to yourself but they both stopped, Ciel turned to you, his eyes softer than before. Sebastian looked at his master quizzically for a moment. The two seemed to be having a conversation through expressions only, making it evident they were quite close. Sebastian then turned to you, another one of those beautiful smiles gracing his lips.

"Well, (YN), it appears the young master and I may be of assistance to you."

His Butler, In Love (Sebastian x Maid!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now