Bokuto - Fronts

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a/n~ so this is the first one shot of this book, I really hope you enjoy it!



Bokuto is known for his excessive energy, constant outbursts and yells no matter what the situation may be. Playing volleyball, receiving praise from Akaashi or being given reassurance from his fellow classmates during his 'emo-modes', and the list could go on.

You were the only one who saw the opposite. The quiet, calm, peaceful Bokuto. The Bokuto that cradles you gently in his arms. The one who secretly loves the vibrations rumbling from your chest after his request for you to sing to him. The one who becomes flustered and bashful once receiving a compliment from you.

Today is the same as any other day, you, Akaashi and Bokuto walking home from school. Bokuto still, somehow, as energized as ever even after practice, which of course you attended. Akaashi, drained from another day of Bokuto as well as practice, this time involving emo-Bokuto which everyone had to attend to. You watched the two chatting away, laughs leaving your lips constantly.

You eventually reached your home, waving Akaashi off, and unlocking the door.


You start mentally counting down until Bokuto's front falls.


Shoes quickly get kicked off. Jackets and bags discarded haphazardly. Turning back to the door, you gently shut it.


"Y/N..." Bokuto whines from behind you and you smile to yourself, honored that Bokuto feels comfortable enough around you to let the front slip away. He doesn't even do this with Akaashi.

"Let's go upstairs, yeah?" you say, slipping your small hand into his much larger one, your soft hand against his rougher one.

After receiving agreement in the form of a hand squeeze and a gentle kiss to your temple, the two make their way upstairs to your room.

Once inside the comfort of your room, both change out of their uniforms into a much more comfortable attire. As Bokuto comes around often, he has some clothes stashed in your wardrobe. You turn to him, arms out to your sides, grinning like a child showing him his top on you. The top ends around mid-thigh and the usual short sleeve top now skimming your elbows.

The grey haired boy stared at you with so much love. He'll never be able to describe just how much you truly mean to him, but of course, he'll try his best.

"You are so adorable, Y/N" he says, now smiling down at you as he moves closer, his tall, broad frame shadowing you.

You find yourself giggling at his comment, fingers gently running over Bokuto's arms once his hands find your waist.

Effortlessly, he picks you up, legs securing themselves around his waist as he walks over to your bed. Once gently placing you down, he settles himself between your legs, head resting on your chest.

Not soon after, your fingers find his hair, running them carefully through the soft strands. Knots become untangled as you continue, and Bokuto's usually spiked up hair settles comfortably down, flat against his head. Several strands fall over his closed eyes and move up and down subtly with every breath of his.

You curl your fingers and begin massaging Bokuto's scalp. His hold on you tightens ever so slightly and goosebumps arise on his skin. You knew he loved this, but you know he would never admit it out loud.

Bokuto turns his head up towards you, chin now resting on your sternum. You lean down, pressing a kiss to his lips, causing him to hum slightly in appreciation. He reconnects your lips again before lying back fully.

"I love you" Bokuto mumbles into your chest. You always get butterflies whenever he says those three words.

"I love you too"

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