Ch. 14; Criminally Insane Man

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"Are we almost there yet?" I wined, pouting like the two year old I mentally am.

"I told you it was an hour long drive, so hush child."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stared intently at the road. Have you ever wondered why the constructors chose the color black and yellow? Sure it's more easier then having to die the gravel a different color, and contemplate on another color other then yellow. I laughed at my incoherent way of thinking. Have you ever met a person like me? Probably not.

"Why're you laughing?" Harry asked, stealing a couple confused glances at me.

"I was thinking about the colors of the road. Why'd they choose that color?" I answered truthfully.

Harry simply snickered, probably because of what I think about, before answering me, "I don't know Paris."

As I was about to speak, Harry shouted that we were here and parked in a random parking place. Once it was safe to climb out of the car, I jumped out and ran to the entrance of the jail. I wanted to get this over and done with.

"Paris wait!" Harry called out, "Let me go in first. Pretend you're this guys sister and you wanted to see him. Act dreadful, whilst I'll be the agent taking you in."

"How will we do that?" I scoffed, waiting for Harry's answer.

"I have a fake ID for me, so yeah." Fake ID? Geez.

I nodded my head and let him go ahead of me so we could get inside the jail. Harry acted his part by showing his 'fake' badge, and luckily the cops bought it. I tried to seem crazy by: messing my hair up every two seconds, and whispering spiritual words under my breath. The police officer and security guard, stared shocked and guiltily at me, making the job easier then I originally thought.

Harry, a random officer and I, walked cautiously towards the mans cell. I was completely terrified, while Harry and the officer calmly conversed back and forth. Harry thankfully would glance at me every so often making me feel a little more safe. We arrived at a cell which made me sick to my stomach knowing we'd be talking to a criminal, but carried on with the act. The officer put in a security code for the glass door to open, and when it did the man looked up with a large toothy grin accompanying his face. He seemed to be reading a newspaper, before we walked in, and the thing that bugged me was that he read upside down, and the date was written 1987.

"This your sister?" I froze. I didn't know the officer was going to ask that, and obviously neither did Harry, due to the fact he stiffened as well.

Suddenly, the man smiled and replied with a simple, "Yes. I've missed her very much."

A wave of relaxation washed over me, before the officer nodded and walked away. Why'd he walk away? I looked up at Harry with pleading eyes, hoping he'd get what I was asking him, and he simply nodded with a smile for reassurance.

"Well, you're not my sister. So why're you here?" The man asked, grabbing a circular container and making me shake uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm just taking out a tooth pick is all." He cooed with soft eyes. But I knew for sure that it was all an act.

"We came for answers, about your buddy Lloyd." Harry sneered.

"Ah yes! Lloyd. Haven't spoken to him in a while. I forgot to thank him for hooking me up." He chuckled, chewing intently on his toothpick.

I rolled my eyes, in utter disgust. How could somebody be so sick?

"Tell us what you know about him!" Harry snapped, slamming his fist on the wall.

"Okay there buddy." He snickered, "Well I don't know much, you know. Unless you let this pretty little lady here ask the questions."

I immediately looked at Harry with a scared expression on my face. Harry wouldn't let him win, would he? Because I certainly do not want to talk to this sick man.

"No." Harry scowled.

"Well I'll just call my friends, called the 'authorities' and ask them to kick you out." The man challenged.

"Fine." I said, which didn't make Harry happy in the slightest way possible.

"Ask away, beautiful."

"Just tell u-us e-everything you k-know." I stammered hastily.

"Well, I know-"

"This is stupid! She's terrified, just let me ask the questions!" Harry exclaimed, heaving a hand through his hair.

"It's okay." I soothed, "I can do this."

Although he was extremely against the idea, I continued asking the questions. "Y-you were saying?"

"It's hard to find this guy. He could be stalking you in New York, but living in London at the same time. He told me that he enjoys seeing there past lives, don't ask me what he means about that. I'm thinking he's some sort of wizard, but you know." The man finally answered.

"Th-thank you."

I grabbed Harry's hand, and started to walk off but the man had to say something else before we left.

"See you later Paris."

I had been flabbergasted at his comment, but Harry simply tugged at my arm and we left the jail with little information. How did he know my name?


The car ride was awkwardly silent, so I kept myself busy by thinking about what the man had told both me and Harry.

"He told me he enjoys seeing there past lives..."

Could he be at my old home in London? Or Holmes Chapels? Except, it's quite hard to track down my previous houses because my family hid that information. The government even thought it was a good idea for reasons I can't explain, and we left it at that. Maybe Lloyd works for the government, and that's why the police can't find him. But that is quite a silly thought if you ask me.

I still want to know who would want to stalk me though. What's so important about me?

I took a glance towards Harry and realized he too was deep in thought. I was still terrified to the fact that the man knew my name. Has Lloyd been stalking me for a long time, and how does all his other 'friends' know my name. Is it because he told them?

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, but I didn't want to look vulnerable in front of Harry.

"Look Paris," Harry sighed, getting my attention, "We will find who ever is stalking you, and we will find out why he knows your name. I promise, just keep on with your life."

"Harry, I can't just pretend everything is fine."

The rest of the car ride was silent, and a bit of tears fell past my cheeks.

My home, this will always be my home.

{Hope you enjoyed! And I know things are confusing now, but everything will make sense as long as you keep reading. Also, picture is the criminal guy. I haven't named him because he isn't very important. Vote. Comment. And/or follow me!}

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