Kuki Urie X Malereader

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The reader is a One Eyed Ghoul and a part of the Quinx squad

Reader has an Ukaku type kagune


I pant loudly having finally reached the location of where my teammates are I turn the corner to see them knocked out Urie the only one left standing fighting a ghoul that we've been hunting for months, I bring out my kagune and run over standing next to Urie "You're late L/N" he says glaring at me from the corner of his eyes I roll my eyes and sigh "I got here as fast as I could Urie running isn't the ideal form of travel you know but I'm here now so that's all that matters" I say just as a long tail covered in spikes rushes towards us we both dodge just in time Urie using this opportunity to slice the ghoul's kagune cutting half of it off of course there was no point in doing this because a few seconds later he regenerated. So I decided to try and hurt him myself I run forward and jump into the air using my kagune to rain spikes down onto him this did some damage but once again he regenerated "Get it together L/N you're not gonna be able to do any damage with that weak attack!" Urie yells up at me, annoyed I land on the ground back beside Urie "My attacks aren't weak this guy just regenerates way too fast there's no way we can hurt him if he's constantly recovering" I say "Ok then we need to come up with a plan to kill him before he can heal" Urie says in his usual calm yet demanding tone "Alright then I say we rush in and attack him together that way he won't be able to regenerate" Urie nods and rushes toward the ghoul with me following behind him. Urie takes the first strike stabbing the ghoul repeatedly, then I flip over them so that I'm behind the ghoul and I use my kagune to slice his back, Urie strike him again this time stabbing him in his eye causing him to stagger "Now L/N!" Urie shouts signaling for me to attack I nod and run forward hardening my kagune and using it to cut the ghoul in half. I look down and smirk "No regenerating now," I say turning to Urie "So how did I do," I ask "You were sloppy," He says walking past me "Thanks for the praise leader" I mumble under my breath

(Time skip)

I sigh as I stand at the door to Urie's room I slowly push it open and enter which causes me to receive a cold glare from him "What do you want L/N" Urie asks obviously annoyed "W-Well I came to ask for advice you didn't really answer me back there can you at least tell me if I fought well or not" I say knowing that I was probably about to get yelled at "Maybe I'd be willing to talk to you if you weren't constantly begging for my approval there are other people here you know go ask Sasaki or anybody else" he says slightly raising his tone "But I don't want to talk to him I want you Urie" I say "I don't care what you want now leave!" He says now yelling "No!" I shout back "I work so hard fighting ghouls, training, risking my life almost everyday and I do it for your acknowledgment everything I do is for you I love you, Urie!" I yell this causes Urie to stand up and walk towards me "W-Wait Urie I-I didn't mean it like that" I say as Urie creeps closer to me eventually backing into a wall "You love me" he asks me somewhat confused I slowly nod my head. Urie then gently grabs my chin and pulls my head up forcing me to look at him he then kisses me passionately at first the shock that I felt caused my eyes to widen but then I relax and kiss back we stay like this for a few more seconds until we pull away "I love you too" He says "And you did great on today's mission I mean" Urie says with a faint blush on his face, I smile and kiss his cheek "Thank you, Urie".

Male characters x Uke MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now