Chapter Four: Percy

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So imagine stepping into boiling acid then multiply that by a thousand. I was submerged completely and I tried to focus on the lower part of my back and focus on the tether I'd imagined. The faces of my loved ones flashed. My mom, Tyson, Grover. The pain was too much, I couldn't remember anything.

The cord, a familiar voice said, remember the cord dummy.

There was a tug in my lower back. The current pushed against me but I didn't move. It was as if a tether was keeping me there.

"Hold on Seaweed Brain," it was Elena's voice, "You're not getting away from me that easily."

The cord strengthened, I could see Elena now. Her golden hair was tied into a high ponytail. Her purple eyes staring into my own. She was wearing the normal CHB t-shirt. I'd fallen out of a canoe, that was it.

"You're lucky I love you Seaweed Brain. C'mon, I'll help you up. Take my hand."

I suddenly remembered everything, my memories were sharper and clearer. My name is Percy Jackson. I reached up and grabbed Elena's hand. I burst from the water and crawled up onto shore. Elena scrambled to help me up.

"Are you okay? Oh gods you're skin." she examined my whole body. My whole entire body was red, I felt like I'd been boiled. I didn't think about that, I just hugged her. She seemed surprised but hugged me back.

"What was that for Seaweed Brain?" she asked.

"No reason, just that I love you."

She smiled and kissed me, "I love you too."

"Do you feel stronger?" Nico asked.

Before I could answer, "THERE!" a voice boomed.

A whole army of undead warriors approached. "You will not escape me, Percy Jackson. Destroy them all!"

"Father no!" Nico's voice boomed and the front line lowered their weapons.

Mrs. O'Leary growled and got ready to pounce. Someone shot a bullet and I heard a cry of pain. Elena fell to the ground holding her shoulder.

That's what set me off, they hurt Elena. They hurt my soulmate. I screamed and the River Styx exploded. A black tidal wave crashed down on the soldiers. I whirled through the crowds slashing and stabbing. The next thing I knew my knee was on Hades's chest. I was grabbing the collar of his robe.

Hades gulped, "Now you listen here Jackson."

"Just because I'm a nice person I'll let you go. But don't you ever hurt Elena again." I snarled.

Hades huffed and melted into the shadows, I cursed and stood up. I then realized how tired I was, my muscles ached and my body burned. I looked down at my clothes and aside from the bullet holes and sword slashes I was fine. No marks on me.

"I think the river worked." I chuckled.

"Uh you think?" Nico asked.

I picked up the robe and dropped it into the river, "be free." I whispered.

"Nico go back to your dad. Tell him he owes me and find out what's happening with Olympus. Try to convince him to fight." I said.

"I-I can't he'll hate me...even more now."

"You have to try. You owe me too."

"I want to fight."

"You'll be more help down here." Elena said.

"You mean you guys don't trust me."

Neither one of us answered, "Just go back to your father. You're the only person he might listen to."

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