Chapter Six: Percy

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I saw Elena go down, pure fury raced through my veins. I saw a demi-god standing over her. I saw in his hand a blade. Elena had taken the knife and if she didn't, by pure luck it would've hit my only weak point. She knew I was invincible but she took the knife anyway. It wasn't the time to ask why. My anger raced through my body, I slammed the half-blood's head and dented his helmet completely. I saw his eye and on the other resting an eye patch. Ethan Nakamura. I slammed him against the ground and stood over Elena. I raised my sword, protecting her.

"Get back!" I shouted, swinging at the line of demi-gods and they stepped back, "no one touches her!"

"Interesting..." Kronos approached me, "Bravely fought Percy Jackson. But it's time to surrender or the girl dies."

"Percy don't," Elena croaked out, I saw her shirt soaking with blood. Her shoulder was stabbed, her lilac eyes, the ones I love looking at were fading with every passing second.

"Blackjack!" I yelled. My pegasus swooped down, clamped his teeth on Elena's armor and they soared into the sky.

"Someday I will make pegasus soup," Kronos grumbled. "but in the meantime," he looked at me, "I'll settle for a dead demi-god."

I met his first strike with Riptide, the impact shook the entire bridge but I stood my ground. His smile wavered and with a yell, I kicked his legs out from under him. I slammed Riptide down but he dodged and came back up to his feet. His scythe flew back into his hand.

"So," he studied me in an annoyed way, "you had the courage to visit the Styx. I had to pressure Luke, if only you could have supplied me with your body. But no matter....I am still more powerful. I am a TITAN!" he slammed his scythe onto the ground. A shockwave blasted my backward. Car alarms went off, Kronos's own demi-god men were blown off the bridge. Suspension cords were dangling in the air. I ran back to Manhattan.

I met the rest of the Apollo kids, Micheal had his last arrow knocked. "Micheal go!" I ordered.

"Percy the bridge, it's already weak!" he yelled, "use your powers!"

It was a desperate idea but I stabbed Riptide into the asphalt. Salt water shot from the crack. I pulled out my blade and the fissure grew. The bridge shook and began to crumble. Kronos's men cried and ran back. Chunks the size of houses fell into the east river. Within seconds the Williamsburg bridge was now a giant chasm between Kronos's army and me.

Kronos studied the issue and turned back to the horizon. He smiled, "until this evening Jackson." he snarled.

He mounted his horse and him and his warriors marched back to Brooklyn.

I turned to thank Micheal Yew but the words died in the throat. Twenty feet in front of me lay a bow in the street. Its owner was nowhere to be seen.

"No!" I screamed and searched for him but there was nothing. I yelled in anger and frustration. I was about to call Blackjack when my moms phone rang. It was an LCD name display. I guessed it as a demi-god calling me.

I picked up hoping for good news; I was so wrong. "Percy?" it was Silena she sounded like she'd been crying, "Plaza Hotel and bring a healer from the Apollo cabin. It''s Elena."

I grabbed Will and told the rest of the Apollo kids to keep searching for Micheal. I borrowed a Yamaha bike from a sleeping Biker. Will and I climbed on as we sailed through the streets. It took us about five minutes to reach the Plaza hotel. I parked my bike and there was a statue standing there.

"I suppose you want me to watch your bike too?" she asked.

It was a woman holding a metal fruit basket, "are you supposed to be Demeter?" I asked.

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