No All Might

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Nobody's P.O.V

Twice went to go bandage up Izuku's face. ''I'm sorry they weren't paying any attention to you Izuku.'' Twice apologized as he put Izuku on the sink. Izuku looked at him with a sad face.

''Buhh Buhh.'' Izuku babbled. ''Who Buhh Buhh?' Twice asked as he put bandages on Izuku's face. ''Buhh Buhh!'' Izuku said but a little louder. Twice picks up Izuku and takes him back to the area everyone was in before. ''Does anyone know who Buhh Buhh is?'' The members looked at him with a confused face. ''Buhh Buhh!'' Iuku said again but this time holding his arms out to Shigaraki. Twice goes over to Shigaraki and hands him the child.

''What type of name is Buhh Buhh?'' Shigaraki asks as he holds the child while also confused at the name.

''Well he clearly doesn't know how to talk so he's calling you that because that's the only few words he can say Shiggy.'' Dabi explains. Shigaraki blushed when Dabi called him Shiggy. ''Hey! How come he gets to call you Shiggy and not me!'' Toga exclaims. ''Because he's not annoying when he says it and also because you give me a headache.'' Shigaraki explained. Shigaraki turns to go into his room.

''That's not a good reason!'' Toga yells while Shigaraki walks into his room with Izuku. He closed his door.

Sigaraki puts Izuku on the floor and sits down on the carpet. Izuku crawls up to Shigaraki and lays on his head of Shigaraki not sleep, while his eyes are still open. ''W-Wove you...'' Izuku babbled softly. Shigaraki chuckled as he let a ttear roll down his cheek. ''I love you too kid..'' Shigaraki smiled softly at the child who still was lying against him still fully awake. Shigaraki looks at the time. 'It's almost 9:00 at night.' Shigaraki told himself.

''SHIGGY!'' Dabi screamed from the living room startling Izuku a little. Shigaraki couldn't be bothered to talk so he picks up Izuku and takes him into the living room were everyone was. Once the two got into the living room they saw a giant pillow fort that could fit about 10 people. I had my mouth open while Izuku started clapping his hands together while laughing. ''Sooo What do you think?'' Toga asks. ''How the fuck did you do this?!'' Shigaraki asks clearly shocked. ''Pretty Simple, Baby Izuku seems to like it. I thought since we don't hang out much we could all have a sleepover in the living room, now including Izuku!'' Toga said excited. ''Everybody else agreed now we need you to say Yes.'' Toga said as she looked at me. ''And when you say ''Everybody else'' who do you speak of?'' Shigaraki asks. ''Dabi, Mr. Compress, Twice, and baby Izuku!'' Toga exclaims. ''I guess I can join'' Shigaraki says putting Izuku down on the blanket. ''Great now go put this on!'' Toga says holding up some Pajama's that everybody else was wearing. ''Ugh fine'' Shigaraki says taking the Pajama's and going to the bathroom.

''Okay everyone Mission to get Izuku to say All Might is a go!'' Dabi says smiling.

~Time Skip~ 10 minutes later

Shigaraki's P.O.V

I come out the bathroom to see Dabi and Toga sitting with Izuku, Twice making popcorn, and Mr. Compress was- wait a minute... I look back at Izuku and sees that he's wearing the most disgusting thing on the Planet. ''Okay Who the FUCK put that outfit on Izuku?!'' Everyone looked away and either smirked or smiled at how their leader reacted.

''Awl Mwiht!'' 'Okay he didn't say it very clearly but that was way to close to All Might' I thought to myself. I walk over to Dabi and Toga and pick up Izuku and take him to the bathroom.

~Time Skip~ Brought by Mad Shiggy

I come out the bathroom with Izuku and he has on a different pair of Pajama's that's not All Might. Once we enter the room everyone starts laughing. "It's NOT FUNNY GUYS!" I tell them with a red face. I was about to leave when I felt water on my shirt. I look down to see Izuku crying, he had his eyes closed tight. "Guys something is wrong with Izuku.." I tell them.

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