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Nobody's POV
December 4th

Izuku opened his eyes to see a empty room but he clearly remembered that it was Shigaraki and Dabi he fell asleep with last night. Izuku sat up and thought for a second how he should get someone's attention. Should he cry? Should he sit there and wait? He could just scream. While Izuku was thinking he heard the door open and looked up to see Toga coming into the room.
"Hi Zuzu I've been told to come to take you to your parents! Aka Shiggy and Dabi, because they are literally attached to you. Lucky you!" Toga Smiled. Toga walked out of the room and into the living room with Izuku and saw Shiggy, Dabi, Twice and Mr. Compress. Dabi took Izuku from Toga's hands as soon as Toga entered the room.
"Jeez Dabi! At least wait till both of my feet and body are in the room!" Toga said.
"Yeah Yeah-" Dabi said in a mocking voice. Izuku hugged up against Dabi.
"OH! Guys guess what Izuku Called me last night!" Dabi said smiling.
"What?" Shigaraki asked Curious as well as the others. Dabi turned Izuku to him. "Zuzu what's my name?" Dabi asked.
"Dada!" Izuku said laughing. Everyone looked in Awe. It seems like ever since adopting Izuku there lives have changed more and more. Also the league had never seen Dabi or Shigaraki this happy before. "Shiggy I've never seen you so happy before!" Toga exclaimed.
Shigaraki blushed a little and looked away.
"Well we need to get going to the store So I hate to say this but... Toga we need you to stay here and watch Izuku for us.." Shigaraki said sighing. Toga's smile spreads.
"REALLY!" Toga smiled.
"Are we sure that's a good Idea Shiggy?" Dabi asked concerned.
"Dabi Shut Up! Don't ruin this for me!" Toga said looking at Dabi.
"Oh Shut up Crazy." Dabi responded by rolling his eyes.
"Yeah I'm sure about this let's go so we can get back." Shigaraki said getting up and putting on his jacket and shoes. Dabi was hesitant but gave Toga Izuku. "Don't worry guys me and Zuzu are going to have a lot of fun!" Toga said cheerfully.

"Yeah next thing you know the house is going to be burned down by the time we get back..." Dabi said walking out the door.

"Not True!" Toga yelled. When Toga knew everybody was gone she put Izuku on the couch and went into the kitchen. Izuku looked over at Toga. In a few seconds Toga came back with two Knives in her hand.
"Well Zuzu since your only 2 and your about to be 3 this is the perfect age for you to learn how to throw a Knife!" Toga said excited

Toga gave Izuku the knife. Izuku looked at the knife and started laughing. "Okay! Izuku so what we are gonna do is see that target over there!" Toga pointed to the target paper on the wall. Izuku looked In that direction.
"Wow Izuku for a 2 Year old you have a great Attention Span!" Toga picked Izuku up. "Okay Izuku Aim and Throw it!" Izuku looked at the target and randomly threw it.


"Izuku.... KUROGIRI IS GONNA KILL ME!" Toga said in a state of panic. Izuku looked at Toga and hugged her. "Thanks for the hug Izuku but that doesn't change the fact that we broke the Tv! Let me not get started on the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi are going to be furious when they find out I let you have a knife. I'm doomed!" Toga cried. You could hear footsteps from outside. Toga panicked and grabbed Izuku and went into her room locked the door and went into the closet. Izuku was really confused but he rolled with it because he knew Toga wouldn't hurt him.
"Izuku I know your just a baby but I need you to keep quiet this is a war zone! If we are caught we are doomed like we are done." Toga said worried. Izuku just looked at Toga but it seemed like he was following directions.

The rest of the League walked into the Bar.
"Oh you're joking..." Dabi said.
"What's wrong Dab-" Mr. Compress Paused.

"What's wrong with you all why are you guys stopping at the front of the doo-" Twice Stood still. Shigaraki went into the Bar and saw everyone staring at something. "What are you guys looking at-" That's when Shigaraki's saw it. Shigaraki dropped his bags that had party things inside.

Shigaraki yelled. Man that went through all out the house. Anyone and everyone could hear it. Toga and Izuku stated quiet. Surprisingly Izuku was doing good at keeping quiet that's when Toga looked down and saw Izuku was crying. How was he not making any noise. Toga knew why Izuku was crying so Toga grabbed Izuku quietly got out the closet and tried to sneak her way into the Living room. It didn't work. Dabi stopped Toga.
"Well I was wrong about you burning the house down Toga But THIS? Why is the TV Broken Toga?!" Dabi Asked. Instead of Toga answering she gave Izuku to Dabi and ran into the kitchen. Dabi looked at Izuku and saw he was crying, honestly that got him more heated. Shigaraki, Twice, and Compress came in the room.

"Why is Zuzu crying?" Shigaraki asked but you could hear the anger in his tone.
"I don't know ask Crazy over there in the Kitchen." Dabi said.

"Toga?" Mr. Compress said.
"Yessss?" Toga said sheepishly. Everyone looked at her which made her nervous.
"Well... Izuku is crying because he heard you Yelling my name and I guess he thought I was going to be in trouble..." Toga Answered. Shigaraki took Izuku from Dabi and hugged him close.
"We'll he was right you are in trouble!
No your not! Yes you are!" Twice stated arguing with his other side.
"I'm sorry Shiggy and Dabi..." Toga stated. Shigaraki sighed.
"It's alright Toga but let's fix this all up before Kurogiri Comes back." Shigaraki told her that made her smile. But when Toga looked behind the two her smile dropped. Shigaraki and Dabi were confused.
"Toga what's wrong?" Dabi asked.
"Yeah Why did you stop smiling?" Mr. Compress asked.
Toga pointed behind everyone and everyone turned around to see Kurogiri standing at the Door.

"Busted..." Dabi said..

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