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10 years later (Henry is 12 I. This disregarding that he would actually be 17, I just want him to be around the age of the others)

Spencer Reid

"Hey, baby." I mumble, walking behind Bentley and wrapping my arms around her, planting my hands on her pregnant belly.

"Hey." She whispers, leaning her head back on my shoulder.

Right now, I'm taking a break from playing with the kids to check up on Bent as she makes lunch.

"Are the kids still playing?" She asks and I nod, turning her around and placing a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Mommy, daddy!" Tatum, our 7 year old son asks, his longer brown hair bouncing as he runs up to us.

"What's up, buddy?" I pick him up and set him on my hip.

"I just finished my book!" He grins a smile, his front tooth missing. While me, Westley, Henry, Micheal-JJ's other son-, and Bryton, our other son who's 5, played, he read his book on the patio.

"Oh my goodness, Bubby! That's amazing! Did you like it?" Bentley asks with excitement.

"I loved it! It's one of the best books I've ever read!" Tatum exclaims, jumping out of my arms and running off to find another book.

"That boy is just like you." Bent laughs.

"And Bryton is just like you. Westley is like me. Do you think Ayla will be like?" I ask, referring to our daughter in her belly.

"Probably me." She grins cheekily and I laugh.

I help her finish up the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before bringing them out to the patio and setting the plates on the glass table.

"Boys! Food!" I call out and they all come running.

"Thanks, dad." Bryton grins up at me and I kiss his head, hoisting him up onto the chair.

"You're welcome, bud."

"Thanks, Spencer." Henry grins, Micheal following after and thanking me before sitting down.

"You want some fruit salad, Spence?" Bentley peaks her out of of the sliding door.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." I answer with a small smile and she nods, coming back out with a plastic container of fruit salad and a fork.

"Daddy, have you read this book?" Tatum asks, shoving Tuck Everlasting in my face.

"I have. You wanna know something?" I ask, handing him his plate.

"Yeah!" He grins.

"That was my favorite book when I was a little younger than you." I say and his jaw drops.

"Really?! I wanna read it and see if I'll like it just like you." He plops down in his seat, opening it up to the first page.

"Uh, honey?" Bentley says and I look over to her.

"Yeah?" I answer and she gestures to the ground where just under the hem of her long dress there's a puddle of liquid.

"Ayla's coming." Is all she says and I grin, grabbing the bed from the living room and helping her into the car.

"Hey, boys, this will be the one and only time you can eat in the car. Grab your food and let's go." They all come with their food in their small hands and getting into the car, the little ones getting help from the older boys as I get in and start the car.

"Ready to have a little sister and niece?" Bentley asks the boys and they all grin with cheers.

"Hey dad, can I hold Ayla first?" Westley asks.

"Of course you can, kiddo." He grins at my response.


"She's so beautiful." Bentley whispers, caressing Ayla's small head.

"She looks just like you." I say softly, kissing her head.

"Knock, knock!" Derek says, knocking on the door lightly.

Derek hasn't missed one birth of our kids, making sure to see each one at least once.

"Hey! Are the boys here yet?" Bent asks and he nods, opening the door wider and the kids come running in.

Tatum runs and sits on the side of the bed where Bryton stands beside me and Westley sits on the side where I'm standing on the bed.

"Can I hold her?" Westley rushes, holding his arms out.

"You remember how?" Bent asks and he nods as she sets our daughter into our son's hands.

Derek comes over and stands on the other side of the bed, staring at Ayla and Westley.

"You know, I'm really proud of you guys. You both have been through so much and you deserve this happy ending, even though it's not the end." Derek smiles gently and a Bentley reaches up to pull him into a hug.

"I love you guys." I blurt out.

"We love you too, dad." Westley admits.

"You, little girl, must say Dada first." I tickle my daughters belly and she lets out a small gurgle of a laugh.

It's officially the end. I don't know, maybe I'll make a second book of old cases and memories but I don't think I'll ever feel like writing it. But, if you want me to, I'll try

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