The Past..

141 7 0

(Before Andrew died)

"Adrianna?" Andrew said

"Yea?" I responded

"What do you want to do today?" He asked me with a grin across his face

"I dont know" i replied.

Andrew is a great friend even tho he is older. I hopped on Andrews back and begged for a piggyback ride home at first he said no but i begged and begged until he said Yea

"You too big to be carrying" Andrew said

"Ha ha shutup" i told him

Once we were down the block we noticed this car following...Andrew told me to run...

"Run!" Andrew insisted

"Why?" I asked

"Just do it!" he yelled

As soon as i turned around and ran a man came up from behind me and put a.gun to my head and threatened to shoot me

"No.." Andrew pleaded

"Ill shoot this bitch brains out!" Yelled the angry man

I was crying in tears as andrew yelled he'll die for me..but instead the man threw me in the trunk

"Let me tf out of here" i yelled and screamed beating on the trunk

I was knocked out it was blurry when i woke up i was naked chained to a bed with a man starring at my body chuckling

"Finally you you want some water??" He asked

I nodded knowing i would figure out a plan once the man left it took him a few minutes to get back

"Adri" a voice said

It was Andrew

"Drew" i whispered

I saw in his eyes it hurted him to see me like that. As be walked over to come untie me from the bed he took off his shirt and gave it to me as i slipped on my underwear and his shirt he threw me over his shoulders and ran..

"Where tf is she man?!" I heard a man yell

"I dont know but it was my turn to get her" the other man said

"Stay here" andrew said hiding me

"Andrew they'll hurt you" i said while tearing up all i saw was bruises on him

"All im worried about is you" andrew responded

I took a small nap where was hiding and woke up seconds later finding andrew sitting next to me

"Adri....its our time to escape ok?" He said

"Ok" i responded

Seconds later we left that trashy ass house and was down the block..

Once we got close to my house a man came out of no where...i saw bullets flying before my eyes...its like a flipbook then and there Andrew fell down while i was on his shoulders...i fell with him scraping my face against the ground...i looked at andrew crying burrying my face in his chest

"Andrew...?" I said softy crying

"A-a-dri be a g..ood girl p-ast all your grades f-find a n-ew friend..........i love you adri" he said

"I love you too but you cant go" i said sobbing then kissed his lips as he kissed back

"Bye...." he said.

Then his eyes shut peacfully

"Andrew!!!...." i yelled crying

"Andrew no plz!!" I stayed laying down that block for hours until the police came and took up his body along with the ambulance...Andrews mom was upset all i heard was

"My baby!!!...omg my baby gone!" She yelled from the top of her lungs with tears. I sat there and watched i saw all of andrews siblings in the car. I waved then walked home and got washed up..

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