The Power of Portal Magic

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(I regret nothing when picking that song)

Back with the heroes, Izuku looked to see Eraserhead, Midnight, Ingenium, and Present Mic who was on his phone not paying attention.

"Ohmygoshtsomanyheroesinoneplaceandmuttermuttermutter." Izuku started and then got quieter as he went on.

'Oh god, this kid's adorable!' Midnight thought before attempting to calm the boy down, It didn't work.

"Calm down, kid." Aizawa said in a bored tune then turned to Inko. "We'll be keeping in contact with you and your son for a bit. Is that alright?"

Inko responded "If it's necessary."

Before the conversation could continue however, Mic did a spit take after reading the news. "Pffft. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!" he said in his 'inside voice'.

This caught the attention of Spyro and the other Pros as they asked what's wrong. Rather then telling them he showed the news on his phone.

[Chaos has flooded the streets as what was thought to be an inconvenience has evolved into a large scale attack. Strange monsters have been falling from the portal and attacking near by citizens such as little green ankle biters, Cyclops, and elf like creatures calling themselves the Evil Drow. Citizens are advised to remain indoors as the pandemic continues.]

The pros are in shock to say the least, it seems pretending Izuku's powers don't exists was out of the question.

"Skylands Villains?" Spyro said in a confused tune. "That's not possible, only Skylanders and Portal Masters are able to travel to Earth and back, unless, what's today's date?"

Ingenium replied with "It is November 11, 22XX."

"It's been over 200 earth years since Kaos closed the portals?" Spyro asked now concerned after figuring out how long it's been since Earth and Skylands interacted. "The Kid's the first Portal Master in over Two Centuries?!" (A/N: This has been edited to fix an error.)

"What's this got to do with the portal in the sky?" Eraserhead ask in a threatening manner that didn't affect Spyro at all.

"That's too much Portal Magic stored in one place. The rest had to go somewhere and that 'somewhere' is right above the city." Spyro explained the best he could wishing Jet-Vac was here to explain better. "Well, at least it can't get any worse." (Mistake number 1)

[In other news, a group of seven individuals also came out of the Portal calling themselves the Doom Raiders.]

Silence enter the room before the purple dragon said "I really need to keep my mouth shut."

The heroes asked Spyro about the Doom Raiders and there potential weaknesses. The dragon answered with "They're a group of Skylands most wanted criminals. Don't even try locking them up, unless your prisons are made of traptanium they'll just bust right out."

"Then what do we do, hand over the key to the city?" Ask Aizawa in a passive-aggressive tune.

"I don't know, I need to speak to Master Eon in this matter. For now, just keep em on there toes." The purple dragon replied before turning to Izuku. "Alright kid, here's your first lesson on Portal Magic. Try and focus on returning me then say 'Spyro Return'."

"Will I see you again?" Izuku asked in somber tune

"Of course, kid. The Skylanders and I will always be with you." Spyro responded and handed him a book "I know it sounds cheesy but it's true. When you need me or any other Skylander, call out one of the names in that book."

Izuku complied and began to focus before shouting "SPYRO RETURN!" A beam of light came crashing down on Spyro similar to when he arrived. When the light cleared he was gone.

The heroes escorted the Midoriyas home after exchanging numbers with Inko. Everyone felt like this was the beginning of a journey, just not THERE journey.

(In Skylands)

Spyro reappeared in the Academy in the library. Everyone was wondering where he went but for once he didn't have time to talk. He made his way to the Catacombs, a place in the Academy only official Skylanders are allowed to enter. He managed to find Master Eon's final resting place, the Portal of Power. There he stood face to face with a ghost of a man in a blue-ish robe and a helmet with horns, he also had a long white beard.

 There he stood face to face with a ghost of a man in a blue-ish robe and a helmet with horns, he also had a long white beard

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"Master Eon." Spyro said as he bowed. "I come barring bad news."

"Spyro, I told you before. There is no need to bow, I may have been a Portal Master but I'm still your teacher." Eon responded before getting serious. "Now, what is this 'bad news'?"

"Well, Earth now has the first Portal Master in over 200 year (in thier time)." Spyro said "At first I didn't think too much of it until I saw the giant portal looming over the city. It's allowing Skylands' Villains to pour into Earth. And that's not even the worst part."

Eon look shocked, not only is there a new Portal Master on Earth but the amount of built-up Portal Magic to even create such a Rift between worlds, and now villains are using it to get to Earth? He asked "How worst can it get?"

Spyro only replied with "The Doom Raiders are on Earth."

Eon knew this could only lead to trouble. He told his student "this new Portal Master must learn to harness his powers, if there is a chance to stop the Doom Raiders. He must also learn to use Traptanium in order to catch them."

Eon pointed to the staff in front of the portal and said "he will need this."

(The staff in his hand)

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(The staff in his hand)

Spyro takes the Staff and said "I won't let you down Master." And flew off.

"I know you won't." Eon replied after the dragon left. "We will meet soon young Portal Master."

(Another chapter done. Finally some action, the next few chapters will be Izuku learning how to use his powers and using Traps, as well as the heroes, villains, and civilians interacting with there new other worldly friends, and a little surprised 😈)

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